Sunday, September 26, 2021

Tftember: Transformers#9

 "IDS-Integrated Circuits!" the Transformers#9 (October 1985) with credits to Bob Budiansky (script), Mike Manley (pencils), M. Hands (inks), Nelson Yomtov (colors), Rick Parker (letters), and Jim Owsley (editor)

GB Blackrock is busy at a race track when a general approaches him. Seems Blackrock has a new weapon that is supposed to destroy the Transformers. The general has some concerns, but Blackrock has an appointment with Josie Beller.

He's worried about her mental health, and for good reason. She's been working with her one working arm on something big, but even GB doesn't know what she has planned. It must be huge, as she's escaped from her room. 

She breaks into his office that night, but she makes it clear she isn't Josie Beller anymore. No, call her...Circuit Breaker! She's able to walk thanks to the suit and circuits she integrated into her body. She leaves Blackrock, making clear she's going to do what she has to do.

Back at the Ark, Prowl is taking charge given that Prime is in pieces. There's also another pressing concern-namely fuel. Jazz and Wheeljack come upon a novel idea. Namely kidnap Blackrock but they have a part two to that plan. Why not have Blackrock give them fuel? Not for free of course. Blackrock can pay them in fuel in exchange for them keeping the Decepticons away. 

Speaking of the Decepticons, Starscream has been making clear he wants to take charge since Megatron vanished. Shockwave sends him and Frenzy off to check out the super weapon Blackrock is working on. 

In plot three, Buster is back! He's also not doing too well. His headaches are getting worse and customers are leaving in droves as Buster isn't the mechanic his dad is. He gets stressed and then another headache. This is bad enough to make him blackout but when he wakes up he's finds himself a better mechanic.

Blackrock has just unveiled his Anti-Robotic Photonic Multi-Cannon. Starscream and Frenzy show up, although Starscream is more interested in getting the cannon for himself. If it can destroy robots, surely it would work on Shockwave, right?

Pity that Circuit Breaker shows and wrecks the thing. She's only the anti-robotic thing around, thank you very much. Jazz and Wheeljack defend the area, but Circuit Breaker doesn't care about Autobot or Decepticon and blasts Wheeljack. The Decepticons are driven off, but Circuit Breaker wants to finish off the Autobots. Blackrock pleads with her for their lives and she at length spares them. She blows up the rest of the cannon before leaving though. 

Well, technically Circuit Breaker first showed up Secret Wars II#3, thus making her a Marvel character. She will go on to be the biggest Marvel created character in the franchise but usually as a villain.   

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