Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: 3 Spies

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: The Flash I#121 (June 1961)

Abilities: Spying, swimming 

Worst act: Theft, espionage

Quote:  "Uhh?"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Murphy Anderson (inks)

So we end this Bring on the Bad Guys with three guys without names. 

Barry goes to his college reunion, running into his old roommate Pete and the class bully Beefy. Pete is still being pushed around, so much so he can't bring himself to propose to his girlfriend Doris. 

Thus Barry is quite surprised when Pete calls him later, frantic. It seems the blueprints to his latest invention have been stolen! Barry calms him down, stating the Flash will help him out, in a rather neat layout Barry and the Flash appear at the same time. 

Beefy rounds up the party, remembering he saw some suspicious skin divers going out to what might have been a submarine. 

The blueprints get returned and the day is saved. 

Not the flashiest way to end this month, but sometimes you get filler. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Golden Giants

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: The Flash I#120 (May 1961)

Abilities: Being tall

Worst act: Attempted murder 

Quote:  "Yoww!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

I suppose the biggest thing about this issue is Barry reveals his identity to Kid Flash, i.e. Wally West. 

The other big thing is the giants. 

Barry and Iris go to South America to help Dr. Manners on his expedition. Wally West tags along too. Manners plans to prove that South America was once connected to Africa.

Which was theorized in 1596 and properly researched in the 1920's through the 30's, so Manners is a pinch late to the party. 

Getting caught in an earthquake, the expedition finds themselves thrust back in the ancient days when Pangaea was a thing and populated by giant golden men. 

Funny that Wegener didn't talk about them. 

Thankfully the team makes it back to the present, with Manners producing a photo to prove his theories. Which could very easily be dismissed, but what do I know?

Not the worse yarn, but silly enough to be enjoyable. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Bredans

 Real names: Grstad, Kimbra

First appearance: The Flash I#119 2/2 (Mar. 1961)

Abilities: Hypnotism 

Worst act: Slavery, kidnapping

Quote:  "Your job is to build my new residence!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

More of an Elongated Man tale, but the Flash does feature pretty heavily. Ralph and Sue have just gotten hitched, so naturally they want to spend their honeymoon in the Caribbean. Things go fine, at least until Ralph vanishes while skindiving. 

One message later, and the Flash is on the case!

It's aliens, of course. The Flash finds Ralph but he's been brainwashed to forget who he is, thankfully he recovers in time to help the Flash repell the invaders. 

Not awful, but it does seem like an awfully large amount of aliens setting up shop on Earth, plus their goal? Building houses. 

Yeah, seems they'd rather kidnap and brainwash humans rather than pick up a trowel. I'm sure there is a metaphor in there somewhere.  

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Steve Palmer

Real name: Steve Palmer 

First appearance: The Flash I#118 1/2 (Feb. 1961)

Abilities: ACTING!

Worst act: Attempted murder, attempted identity theft 

Quote:  "Nothing personal in this, Flash! It's just that you're standing in the way between me about a million dollars! So..."

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Murphy Anderson (inks)

When method acting goes wrong...

The Flash goes Hollywood, providing technical assistance on a film about his life. Good thing he's there, as a series of accidents seem targeted at the Flash's actor, Steve Palmer. 

The Flash agrees to stand in for Palmer during shooting, so he can ferret out who's trying to bump him off. Turns out, it was Palmer all along!

Yeah, Palmer plans to kill the Flash so he can replace him and use his identity. Which seems a bit short sighted, as there is nothing to suggest Palmer could handle a terrorist gorilla on his own. 

Man, what is it about Flash actors going crazy?

Darn silly but it works on its own merits. This might be the most short-sighted plan I've seen in comics though. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Toughy Boraz

Real name: Toughy Boraz 

First appearance: The Flash I#117 2/2 (Dec. 1960)

Abilities: He has a gun, what else does he need?

Worst act: Theft

Quote:  "You bet you can't believe it--'cause that stuff belongs to me!"

Created by: Garnder F. Fox (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

All told a minor foil, for the main stars of this yarn are the Three Dimwits. 

Yes, Winky, Blinky, and Noddy, formerly sidekicks to the Golden Age Flash only now they live in Central City. This would also be their only Silver Age story and their last story period until Cry for Justice, but we don't talk about that one. 

The three fancy themselves inventors. When their latest machine tells them to "buy dirt cheap and sell high", they dig up their lawn and sell the sod from atop a ladder. 

During the course of their digging, they find a large box. A fellow happens by and is rather insistent on buying all their dirt. It's Boraz though, and that box is actually his loot. How he managed to bury in their yard isn't mentioned. 

He's fine as a foil, and honestly the whole thing plays out as a Three Stooges short, which I think is the ideas. A shame the 3 Dimwits didn't show up again. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Modrie

Real name:  Modrie 

First appearance: The Flash I#116 1/2 (Nov. 1960)

Abilities: Having an hour advantage over things

Worst act: Tax cheat, theft

Quote:  "Tax form!? Earnings?! Just who does the government here think it's dealing with? I'll soon show this fellow I'm not to be annoyed by such matters!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

First appearance of the Multiverse? Well, maybe.

Modrie comes from World 86, a dimension that neighbors Earth 1. He's a lab assistant, and a pretty disgruntled one at that. When his boss makes a scale model of Central City, he's less than impressed, but the model shows what will happen in the real Central City one hour from now?

Suddenly he's very keen on the project. Sneaking into Earth 1, Modrie proceeds to make a fortune with what he knows. Everything goes great, until he makes so much the IRS notices and demands their cut. Seems like he could simply become someone else, but eh. 

The Flash investigates, for some reason but problems arise. Modrie's boss in World 86 discovers what he's been up, and the model shows the Flash being gunned down...

Interesting, I'll say that. You rarely see a villain raging against a W-2

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Captain Boomerang

Real name: George "Digger" Harkness

First appearance: The Flash I#117 1/2 (Dec. 1960)

Abilities: Boomerangs, inventing boomerangs 

Worst act: Murder, attempted murder, theft, possessing an outrageous accent  

Quote:  "Well, sink me if this isn't an incredible coincidence! Here I was just prepared to launch myself on a new chapter of my criminal career--using a boomerang!--when I read this advertisement!!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Murphy Anderson (inks)

Joining the ranks of Two-Face, Lex Luthor, the Cheetah, Sportsmaster/Solomon Grundy, and the Mad Mod, we take a special look back at one of my favorite foes for the 22nd. 

A guy that absolutely shouldn't work, yet somehow does. Harkness first started out as a toy salesman. Yeah, seems a toy company banks on boomerangs being the next big thing, so they decide the best way to hock them would be with Captain Boomerang!

So Harkness pops over from the Outback and auditions for the fellows and soon has a job as a national spokesman. He's still a crook though, although now he has a fancy costume.  

So he decides to claim that someone is clearly impersonating him, then he knocks out the Flash and ties him to a giant boomerang.

He's committed to the bit, you have to give him that. 

I love this guy. His appearance in the Suicide Squad really allowed the character to shine; shine as a bigoted, cowardly jackass but shining all the same. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: 4 Aliens

Real names: Barik, Kunar

First appearance: The Flash I#115 2/2 (Sept. 1960)

Abilities: Shrinking people

Worst act: Attempted to rule the world 

Quote:  "As soon as we make our report, the humans of this entire planet will be reduced in size to playthings--"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Murphy Anderson (inks)

Honestly more of an Elongated Man yarn, but the Flash does show up near the end. When Ralph goes into the Yucatan to visit the tree that helps produce the soft drink that makes him stretchy, the Elongated Man falls victim to a shrinking ray. When the Flash arrives, he too is reduced to mere inches. 

Despite their size, the two manage to destroy the aliens machine which turns them back to normal.

Not horrible, but the previous yarn was Gorilla Grodd turning the Flash morbidly obese, so I suppose anything would be a let down. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Olimpans

Real names: Zus, Po-Siden, and Boryas

First appearance: The Flash I#113 2/2 (June/July 1960)

Abilities: God like control over elements

Worst act: Attempted colonizing of the Earth

Quote:  "Yes! In quadrangle three...but visible on our atoscope! However, some of you seem to have forgotten the importance of the lost planet in our history--"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

We see the return of Dr. Summers! He asks Iris to help him in his research, so naturally Barry goes to keep an eye on them. 

And what is his research? A strange metal, which turns out to come from space!

Oh, and humans are descended from aliens who happen to resemble the Greek gods. You'd think Wonder Woman could refute that, but no one bothers to call her. 

Zus, when he learns that the colony ship survived, figures that he owns the Earth so he sends Po-Siden to Earth to make it ready. Barry manages to drive him and thus convince Zus to recognize the Earth's independence.

Again, you would think this would be a bigger deal.

Not horrible

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Trickster

Real name: James Jesse 

First appearance: The Flash I#113 1/2 (June/July 1960)

Abilities: Flight (via trick shoes), various gimmicks 

Worst act: Robbery

Quote: "It suddenly hit me! The clue is my namesake--Jesse James! I've got to embark on a career like his--that way lies my real destiny and fame!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

Almost made him the 22nd, but the Trickster has always been one of my favorite DC villains. Going back to the Silver Age, he was again just a crook with a gimmick. In this case, a sort of Joker-ish crook basing things around tricks rather than straight jokes, but like most of the crooks had invented a truly amazing piece of tech and used to rob rather than make himself rich. 

Seriously, he went and made himself shoes that let him walk on air, and his only thought is to rob airplanes?

Airplanes, since his namesake Jesse James robbed trains, James Jesse decided to rob the 20th Century of the railway-airplanes!

I mean, I don't know that many people who carry their valuables with them when they fly, plus wouldn't an armored car have more loot? But it was the Silver Age, so it worked. 

Over the years, the Trickster showed signs of reforming first I think, when he started showing up in Blue Devil's series back in the 80s, with his proper turn happening in the Underworld Unleashed series. 

I always enjoyed the Trickster more than the Joker, but then again I do enjoy a guy that robs a place and doesn't leave a mountain of dead behind him. Mark Hamil's role as him in the 1990 Flash series helped cement his role of the Joker, I think so that's a nice twist on things. 

Didn't care for his replacement though, but that's the breaks when dealing with legacy characters. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Veto Gang

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: The Flash I#112 1/2 (April/May 1960)

Abilities: General theft

Worst act: Robbery, framing 

Quote: None

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

Less known than the hero that debuted in this issue, the Elongated Man! The Veto Gang, as they work for Perry Veto, decides to frame the newly debuting Elongated Man for a series of thefts. 

As far as foes go, rather weak. We don't even get a good look at Perry. Ralph Dibny easily takes out most of the gang, while the Flash handles Perry personally. They do help establish Ralph's powers, so that's something. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Cloud Creatures

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: The Flash I#111 1/2 (Feb./Mar. 1960)

Abilities: Weather control

Worst act: Attempted invasion

Quote: "The force of sound can shatter the buildings of these surface creatures!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Murphy Anderson (inks)

The creatures here are more a side note. Instead, we focus on Dr. Summers, a scientist who is convinced that cloud monsters are plotting against mankind. 

Which you would think would be taken with a bit more seriousness, given this is the DC Universe, yet here he is mocked, at least he gets the Flash to investigate.

Turns out the crazy scientist was right, but thankfully the Flash is able to murder the creatures with some applied wind. They were clouds after all. 

No, the biggest issue here is Dr. Summers and his trying to make time with Iris. A new cast member and new drama! Summers fizzled out as a rival, only appearing in one more story but the ideas was neat. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Weather Wizard

Real name: Mark Mardon

First appearance: The Flash I#110 1/2 (Dec./Jan. 1959)

Abilities: Weather control

Worst act: Murder, attempted murder  

Quote: "On a hot day like this a little rain feels good! And when I feel like a little rain--I make it rain!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Murphy Anderson (inks)

Another long-time reoccurring foe, and boy; I have to say I love the old villain skillsets. Escaped con Mardon finds his dead brother's lab and the man's research. "I have the power to control weather! I'll rob a bank!"

None of this should work, but it does. 

Granted, there have been a bit more character development since 1959, usually making Mardon worse and giving him various children. I admit I didn't care for the Rogues killing the Flash (Bart Allen), but I did like Mardon's horrified reaction.

I suppose that is an issue though, in that he and the rest of the Rogues are usually shown as little more than thugs with gimmicks, but Mardon comes across as less developed than Captain Cold. Honestly, they are a bit similar in character which can cause some issues in character development.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Maugites

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: The Flash I#109 2/2 (Oct./Nov. 1959)

Abilities: Guns 

Worst act: Attempting to start a war 

Quote: "Illg--"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

Still in the science fiction fad, this one has the Flash fighting another group of underwater dwellers. 

An astronaut's shuttle crashes in the ocean. It is found ten days later, which is a problem as the astronaut only had three days of air, but aside from some missing time he's perfectly alright. 

The Flash investigates, and a group of people called the Saremites (who would show up again in Justice League of America I#90), who live peacefully under the sea. Pity about the Maugites, their next door neighbors.

Thankfully the Flash is there to teach them some violence and with their crude bows and arrows they manage to drive the invaders off. Of course the Maugites seem to have firearms, while the Saremites only have arrows, so I suspect any future conflicts are not going to end well. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Dr. Hirach

Real name: Kee Feleg

First appearance: The Flash I#108 1/2 (Aug./Sept. 1959)

Abilities: Scientific genius, speed

Worst act: Attempted murder, robbery

Quote: "But 'Dr. Hirach' is only a figment of my imagination! I'm really Kee Feleg of the world of Mohru--and you have walked into my trap!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)

The kindly Doctor Hirach offers to time the Flash's speed, so naturally Barry takes him up on it, but wouldn't you know, the kindly doc is really a Mohru named Kee Feleg and he and his gang want to rob (using an element makes them so fast as to be invisible) and they figure getting rid of the Flash first would be useful. 

Thankfully Barry just runs faster, finds their native dimension and helps turn them over to the proper authorities. 

Eh, not terrible but it does seem like they could avoided the Flash all together and not drawn attention to themselves. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Kyri

Real name: Kyri

First appearance: The Flash I#107 2/2 (June/July 1959)

Abilities: Super speed

Worst act: Being slightly better than Barry Allen 

Quote: "Time for me to take you home now Flash-- and then return myself-- to my masters!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

The first story in#107 had the return of Gorilla Grodd, who we already talked about. So, who's the back up yarn featuring?

The Flash hears of a runaway truck. Rushing to the scene, the Flash finds the situation already taken care of by the mysterious Kyri. Kyri is fast, darn fast but that's it. 

Seriously, Kyri has zero recollection of anything aside being able to speak English. Barry's gal Iris decides to hold a charity race with the 2 speedsters featured. Kyri wins easily, and after that Barry takes the man to a doctor who gives him essentially electric shock therapy.

Naturally getting a bunch of current run through him jogs his memory but costs him his speed. It seems Kyri is really an android, built by a group of aliens. Why? His function was to repair a dimensional rip, but his ship crashed on Earth.

Sadly without his speed, his task is now impossible, but Barry lends him a hand. 

Pretty good and the mystery is a neat one and done. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Pied Piper

 Real name: Hartley Rathaway

First appearance: The Flash I#106 2/2 (April/May 1959)

Abilities: Hypnotic flute 

Worst act: Robbery

Quote: "Now...by my mastery of sound...I will project a message into the air...a message to the Flash!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

Now this one is interesting. The Pied Piper was the first Flash foe to properly reform, and I have to admit I rather like the idea of reformed rouges. 

Rathaway was born deaf, and after getting some implants in his ears became obsessed with sound. From there he was pretty much your typical crook only with a sound gimmick. 

The reforming part was a stroke of genius, I have to say. The whole Barry had people mindwipped was just stupid, however, and should rightly be ignored. His end during Final Crisis should have been the end of the character, as it was nearly perfect coda of the character but of course he came back to life. DC then rebooted, thus rendering the whole thing moot. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Gorilla Grodd

Real name: Grodd

First appearance: The Flash I#106 1/2 (April/May 1959)

Abilities: Psionic capabilties, super strength 

Worst act: Murder, attempted coup 

Quote: "Since I left Africa I've been using this park as my base, traveling around...searching...for the greatest mind in the world! "

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

He's a gorilla!

He's a terrorist!

He's a gorilliaist!

Gorilla Grodd is one of those pure silver age ideas that probably wouldn't have worked anywhere else, but dang if he doesn't just scream DC. I read somewhere that DC noticed a sales spike when gorillas were on the cover, so someone must like the concept. 

The new 52 was less than stellar, but that did make me appreciate the older works all the more. Grodd is usually beaten and imprisoned in Gorilla City but there is always a sense that he is just biding his time until he gets out again, and there will be a next time...

Friday, February 10, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Mirror Master

Real name: Sam Scudder

First appearance: The Flash I#105 2/2 (Feb/March 1959)

Abilities:  Hypnotism, transportation, lasers, holograms 

Worst act: Attempted murder, bank robbery 

Quote: "The Flash--used his amazing speed to trail my mirror-image to this house! By the time I get through with him, he'll think he's moving in slow motion!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

Another proper memeber of the Rogues, and man.

The Mirror Master is one of those glorious goofy Silver Age foes that really shouldn't work. His costume is a orange and green union suit, with not one inch of it suggesting mirrors. Even his origin is a bit silly. Sam is just a con who gets fixated on mirrors after he gets chewed out for messing one up in the prison workshop. Yeah, he messes it up when the image refuses to leave, which doesn't seem to be his fault but eh, that is pretty neat. 

Did they think mirrors were magic back in the late 50's?

Despite all of this, Mirror Master would go on to become a reoccurring foe for Barry. In fact, he would show up again in issue 109. 

Mirror Master, if you seriously think about it, would be utterly terrifying. I mean, he can travel through mirrors and a mirror can be defined pretty broadly. The other powers are a bit much, but I suppose when you're on a roll it can be hard to stop. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Katmos

Real name: Katmos

First appearance: The Flash I#105 1/2 (Feb/March 1959)

Abilities: Mind control 

Worst act: Kidnapping, attempted conquering 

Quote: "Free! After all the eons--free!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)

First story in the new Flash series, continuing the numbering from the old Flash Comics. 

On the outskirts of Central City, an archeologist makes a remarkable find. It grows more remarkable when the find, an old statue, comes to life. 

Katmos, as that is the being's name, was a survivor of an ancient civilization, millions of years old. Waking up in a bad mood, Katmos decides that if he is to be stuck in this insane future, he might as well rule it. 

For the first bad guy in the newly relaunched series, Katmos is...ok? He seems a bit similar to Vandal Savage (evil caveman from the past) but he lacks the former's style. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Dr. Alchemy

Real name: Albert Desmond 

First appearance: Showcase#14 2/2 (May/June 1958)

Abilities: The Philosopher's Stone

Worst act: Robbery, attempted murder

Quote: "From now on,  'change' is the key word in my methods--and the means by which I shall defeat the Flash!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)

The first time the Flash fought the same guy again, sort of. 

Yes, this guy started as the science based Mister Element, but while cooling his heels in prison after fighting the Flash, he learns about the Philosopher's Stone and decides, eh, screw science! Magic is where it's at baby!

I mean, with the ability to turn any material on Earth into any other material I'd think that'd pay for itself, but what do I know?

Doc would be a reoccurring foe and part of the Rouges. Not as a big as Captain Cold, but usually there. The idea of a psychic twin and dual personalities is an odd choice but it does have him stand out a bit. 

After this, Doctor Alchemy would show up in Justice League of America#21, where the JLA met the JSA for the first time. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Giants from the 4th Dimension

Real names:  Unrevealed 

First appearance: Showcase#14 1/2 (May/June 1958)

Abilities: Shrinking and enlarging 

Worst act: Kidnapping, attempted destruction of the Earth

Quote: "It has taken us a century to erect these sites! But in an hour--your world will belong to us!"

Created by: Robert Kanigher (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)

Seventh tale and we've gone off the rails. 

Iris West, Barry's gal, vanishes while on assignment for her paper. The Flash is on the case and he ends up finding her in the 4th Dimension!

Ah, that old chestnut. 

The Flash manages to rescue Iris and blow up the giant's ships, so he's already rocking a body count. 

Not awful, but the whole other dimension giant thing is a bit odd and really does come out of nowhere. 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Mr. Element

Real name:  Albert Desmond 

First appearance: Showcase#13 2/2 (Mar/April 1958)

Abilities: Mastery of elements 

Worst act: Robbery

Quote: "Life is based on carbon! So my emblem shall be the model of a carbon atom! Elements are found in rocks--so my headquarters shall be among these underground rocks! To inhale only pure oxygen, I wear this atmosphere-filter!"

Created by: John Broome (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacoia (inks)

Another character that would be reoccurring, this time we see Mister Element for the first time. Much like Captain Cold, he's fully formed right from the get go, no trauma, no burning desire to rule the world; nope, he figures since elements make up everything, then if he controls the elements he can control everything, i.e. mess with the Flash.

It's good to have obtainable goals. 

He even discovers a brand new element, names it elemento, and decides this would be the perfect thing to kill the Flash. I figure a new element might be worth more money, but eh, what do I know?

He's a pretty typical Silver Age foe, but he is notable as the first villain the Flash fights a second time (yes, even before Captain Cold). 

That is a story that will be told somewhat later though

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Black Cat

 Real name: Unrevealed 

First appearance: Showcase#13 1/2 (Mar/April 1958)

Abilities: Holding a bomb

Worst act: Attempted destruction of Effiel Tower

Quote: "Sacre bleu--once I can open my hand I will drop the bomb!"

Created by: Robert Kanigher (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Giella (inks)

Technically the real enemy in this yarn is time. Barry develops a radio watch that alerts him to crime across the globe so he races across the world fighting crime, but can he make his dinner date with Iris West in time?

Le Chat Noir is a fairly plain villain, even his look if pretty bland. A turtleneck and a suit jacket screams coffee shop hipster more than terrorist, but eh, it was the late 50's. He gets taken out pretty quickly and Barry moves on. Three bandits from Egypt have more panels, but they aren't even named in the story.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Captain Cold

Real name: Leonard Snart 

First appearance: Showcase#8 2/2 (May/June 1957)

Abilities: Cold gun 

Worst acts: Theft, attempted murder, murder 

Quote: "Uhhh? A polar bear--suddenly appeared here--from nowhere!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacola (inks)

Now we're getting into the proper Rogues Gallery. Funny that Cold would first show up in 1957, but he wouldn't show up again until 1960.

For the first story, Cold is just another petty thug. He invented his cold gun by accident while trying to come up with something to stop the Flash, although later retcons would have him either be given the gun or just steal it. 

Compared to other characters, I find it odd that in many ways Snart hasn't changed all that much. Joker's gotten crazier, Luther more ruthless, but Snart? Still looking to nail the big score and maybe embarrass the Flash at the same time. Over the years he's grown more cynical, with even a few attempts at, if not heroism, at least being more practical about his villainy.  

I think it helps that of the entire thus seen, Captain Cold actually had a proper name plus uniform. The blue and white parka may seem silly (and lends itself to cartoons pretty easily) but when you think about it, he may have the most practical bit of costuming seen at this point. The parka protects him from the cold, but his visor protects him from the ice's glare. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Triplets

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: Showcase#8 1/3 (May/June. 1957)

Abilities: Having a lot of boxes 

Worst act: Attempted robbery

Quote: "Too bad you don't have the experience to walk across a tightwire with nothing but 20 floors of space under you, Flash! Ha! Ha!"

Created by: Robert Kanigher (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacola (inks)

It had been a year since Barry Allen had graced the newsstands, so what big comeback would the bigwigs come up with?

A giant box is found in Central City after a massive fog. While seemingly the entire city turns out to investigate it and try to open it, Barry figures that this might be a distraction and he's right.

A dapper dressed fellow is robbing a store! Barry manages to catch him, but no sooner is the fellow in lockup then there's another robbery!

Yeah, seems all three brothers somehow made a giant puzzle box and banked on it holding the entire city's attention so they could rob three stores at once. We have no names but their domino masks and top hat/tails combo look pretty cool. Shame they never showed up again. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Marzdan

 Real name: Marzdan?

First appearance: Showcase#4 2/2 (Sept./Oct. 1956)

Abilities: Time travel, future tech

Worst act: Theft 

Quote: "More than ever now I must get back to my own time...and gain my revenge!"

Created by: John Bromme (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Kubert (inks)

2nd ever story and still in the first issue. Marzdan is a thief from the future! Finally caught and sentenced for his crimes, sort of. 

Yes, in the far future, if you've done some serious crimes you do serious time-literally

Meaning the cops toss you so far in the future, that baring an intervention from a group of multicolored youngsters, you stay some decades ahead of everyone you know.

This is also the first time Barry Allen pops over to the future, so that's neat. 

Marzden finds himself tossed backwards however and soon decides he is going to be a bigshot. 

Barry manages to best him and send him back to the future. The idea of a criminal from the future wreaking havoc on the world is pretty neat but would be reused again a few times in the years ahead. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: Turtle Man

Real name: Unrevealed 

First appearance: Showcase#4 1/2 (Sept./Oct. 1956)

Abilities: Scientific genius

Worst act: Armed robbery

Quote: "That's...what...happens...when...the...fastest...man...on...earth...meets...the...world's...slowest...man...ha...h--wh-wh-where'd...he...disappear...to...?"

Created by: Robert Kanigher (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Joe Kubert (inks)

Back again and we're dusting off this old baby. This time we're looking at the Silver Age Flash. 

We focus mostly on police scientist Barry Allen and his recent encounter with lightning, but as he's coming to grips with that, someone is robbing a bank-very, very slowly. 

Yeah, slow. He starts the robbery first, waits a bit, then goes back to finish. 

Funny aside, it seems the Golden Age Flash also had a Turtle foe, back in All Flash#21. 

He's... ok? I mean, the World's Slowest Man VS the Fastest Man on Earth is a neat idea but not exactly something that lends itself to a particularly interesting fight. The Turtle's attempt at escape is neat though, as all he does is sit in a rowboat and relax as the Flash's running across the water pushes the boat. 

Thus his running around the boat and turning it into a waterspout is pretty neat. 

For a starter villain he's acceptable. He wouldn't show up for a good bit later but attempts to make him an actual turtle man were a bit silly.