Friday, February 3, 2023

Bring on the Bad Guys: The Triplets

Real names: Unrevealed 

First appearance: Showcase#8 1/3 (May/June. 1957)

Abilities: Having a lot of boxes 

Worst act: Attempted robbery

Quote: "Too bad you don't have the experience to walk across a tightwire with nothing but 20 floors of space under you, Flash! Ha! Ha!"

Created by: Robert Kanigher (script), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Frank Giacola (inks)

It had been a year since Barry Allen had graced the newsstands, so what big comeback would the bigwigs come up with?

A giant box is found in Central City after a massive fog. While seemingly the entire city turns out to investigate it and try to open it, Barry figures that this might be a distraction and he's right.

A dapper dressed fellow is robbing a store! Barry manages to catch him, but no sooner is the fellow in lockup then there's another robbery!

Yeah, seems all three brothers somehow made a giant puzzle box and banked on it holding the entire city's attention so they could rob three stores at once. We have no names but their domino masks and top hat/tails combo look pretty cool. Shame they never showed up again. 

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