Tuesday, September 7, 2021

TFtember: Brawn


Moving into the mini vehicles portion, we take a look at the most macho Transformer of them all.


Seriously, his file card clearly states that he is the most macho of all Autobots on Earth. Also says he's highly resistant to artillery fire. Make a note of that for later. 

As for the toy, that's when things get interesting. It seems, rather than being a Diaclone Brawn began life as a Mysterian. Knickerbocker Toys was trying to introduce a line of transforming toys but they were ended up being swallowed up by corporate buy outs, with the Brawn toy actually being released in Takara's Micro Change line. 

Regardless of the toy's origin, it's a pretty neat and simple design. A not quite jeep turns into a simple robot with no accessories. 

Brawn was right there at the beginning in the Marvel comics. Of course his design wasn't exactly set in stone, with slight details changing every other issue. 

Aside-Brawn actually got more focus in the UK issues, with several stories devoted to him alone.

As for the American comics, Brawn was pretty much just there. He had more impact in the early issues, even taking a strong dislike to Sparkplug but in the end he was among the dead in #50.  

Now, for the cartoon. Voiced by Corey Burton, Brawn matched up with his file card more usually being the go to guy for action. He even fired Megatron's arm cannon. 

Then he died.

Yeah, the Movie wasn't kind to a lot of characters and Brawn was among the first group to be shot dead by the Decepticons, although he did show up in Season 3, but that is generally regarded as an animation error. 

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