Friday, May 31, 2024

Yer Outta Here!-Superstars Profile#155

"Dangerous" Danny Davis

Real name: Daniel Davis

Home: Dover, NH

Membership: The Hart Foundation

A.K.A.: Mr. X

Finisher: Boston Crab

Background: Who watches the watchers and what happens when one goes bad?

Danny Davis started out with the best intentions. He worked his way up from clerk to judge but he saw men like McMahon setting all the rules. Thus, he would strike for justice as the masked Mr. X!

Mr. X often got the tar beaten out of him and Davis was no closer to doing anything to stop the corruption. So why bother?

So, when Jimmy Hart stopped by his offices late one night with a briefcase full of hundred dollars bills, well, he's only human. Thus Davis started letting crooks go, often with a slap on the wrist but heroes (especially unaffiliated heroes)? Yeah, those guys got the book thrown at them. 

His work got noticed, however, and he was disbarred. McMahon liked the cut of his jib, however, and soon "Dangerous" Danny Davis was now legally licensed to beat the beejeezus out of people. 

This worked until 1989, when he finally ran out of luck and lost to Sam Houston. After that, he went down to a lower court and served the public quietly until his retirement.

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