Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Outlaw-Superstars Profile#133

"Outlaw" Ron Bass

Real name: Ronald Heard

Home: Houston, TX

Membership: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Long Riders, Bass Brothers, partners with Barry Windham, John Anson

Finisher: Texas Gordbuster

Background: Sometimes a cowboy's a cowboy.

Ron Heard had a pretty average life. He tried going the legit route first but found the challenges and pay lacking. Seeing Hulk Hogan on the tv, he figured "hey, I could knock that boy silly and get money for it!"

And he did. 

Or at least he tried. He had the bluster, a bullwhip and a truly impressive mustache. It wasn't enough and Hogan beat him like everyone else. He later moved to Florida and sold Amway. 

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