Wednesday, May 8, 2024

He's an Animal!-Superstars Profile#132

George "the Animal" Steele

Real name: William Myers

Home: Detroit, MI

Membership: The Machines (sort of), the Superstars, the Oddities, managed by the Grand Wizard, Mr. Fuji, Classy Freddie Blassie, Captain Lou Albano

Finisher: Flying Hammerlock Splash

Background: Sometimes science is more an art than a science.

Myers was an educated man, indeed he even fought crime as the masked man known as the Student, but even the most learned men have some point of vanity. 

Myers was bald. 

So ashamed by this, Myers funneled all his work into developing a cure. His funds almost depleted, Myers tried his cure and stepped into his custom built machine. What emerged?

Well, he had hair. Thick, long, and wavy; everywhere below his neck. It was almost indestructible. His IQ was almost dropped to the point where he couldn't quite recall who he was; he vaguely remembered the named George. Steele was added later and attributed to his nigh invulnerability. The Animal should be self-explanatory. 

 A man with almost unstoppable strength and no mind of his own? Yeah, he was taken advantage of; but as the 80s rolled on, Captain Lou managed to rescue George and give the man some level of dignity. George was eventually made a member of the Superstars but budget cuts made him a wanderer for most of the 90s. 

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