Sunday, May 12, 2024

Heroes of the People-Superstars Profile#136

The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers 

Real names: Jacques and Raymond Rougeau

Home: Montreal, Quebec but soon to relocate to Memphis, TN

Membership: Jacques Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau, Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart

Finisher: Double Dropkick

Background: A legacy is a heck of a thing to uphold. The Brothers Rougeau were the inheritors of a family legacy and it was assumed that both brothers would follow the family business of hero work. 

They did, at first but the fans changed them. It was the indifference then it was seeing how much more money the supposed bad guys earned. By the end of the 80s they figured everyone else was selling out, so why not them? They renounced Quebec before becoming American citizens and hiring Jimmy Hart as their manager. The team quietly dissolved and their story is continued elsewhere. 

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