Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Middle O-Superstars Profile#154

Barry O

Real name: Randall Berry Orton

Home: Las Vegas, NV

Membership: JOB Squad

A.K.A.: Barry Orton, the Highroller, the Zodiac 

Finisher: Falling Starr

Background: Man, what could have been, eh?

Son to the infamous Bob Orton, brother to the even more infamous Bob Orton, Jr.; kind of had the deck stacked against him.

He moved out of Texas as soon as he could and tried to make a go as a country western singer. Did alright, played a lot of gigs but he couldn't quite make it as a star. Figuring to go in the 'family business' his heart was never in it. 

That's about it. Got hired by Titan but was used to make the Superstars look good and not much else. He left for Hollywood in the late 80's and didn't look back.

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