Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Jive Soul Brother-Superstars Profile#125


Real name: Kenneth Wayne Johnson

Home: Fort Worth, TX

Membership: Managed One Man Gang, Akeem, Boris Zhuov, Butch Reed, Earthquake Evans, Hercules, the Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, Paul Roma, Rick Martel, the Warlord 

A.K.A.: Reverend Slick 

Finisher: N/A

Background: Sometimes the acorn falls pretty dang far from the tree. 

Slick was the only son of Rufus R. Jones. When your old man is as tough as he was, the bar is set a little high. Slick took one look at that bar and said the hell with it. He took to the streets, but it wasn't to be a fighter. 

No, Slick got by on his brain. He could put people where they would do the most damage. This got him hired by "Classy" Freddie Blassie. Slick was smart and soon bought out Blassie's stable of fighters. He took a run of the mill biker and turned him into the African Dream.

From there he focused mainly on tag teams. He was doing fine, just fine. Cash was coming in steady, his fighters were making him feared but he wasn't happy. 

Then Davey Boy Smith beat the daylights out of him. From there, Slick decided to take some serious stock of his life. The 90s would see a new Slick emerge.

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