Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Russian Bear-Superstars Profile#129

Ivan Koloff 

Real name: Ivan Koloff

Home: Moscow, Russia 

Membership: The Russians, Paul Jones Army, House of Humperdink, partners with Superstar Billy Graham, Captain Lou Albano, "Classy" Freddy Blassie

A.K.A.: Oreal Pierce, Jim Parris, Red McNulty

Finisher: Russian Neckbreaker

Background: Russian superagents weren't unusual. They send some of their guys to attack, we send some guys, wash rinse repeat.

Ivan was one of those men. He was given the background a simple farmer from Ottawa but that was simply a cover. Ivan was augmented and gave the Superstars a run for their money, even being the first one to defeat Bruno Sammartino. Ivan was on a rampage until Pedro Morales stepped up and used Ivan as a stepping stone to his becoming the Superstars next leader. 

As the 70's gave way to the 80's Ivan found himself cut off from his handlers. He drifted south and battled across the Southeast for a bit before retiring. 

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