Friday, May 3, 2024

Hotstuff!-Superstars Profile#127

"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert

Real name: Thomas Edward Gilbert, Jr. 

Home: Lexington, TN

Membership: Memphis Mafia, Hot Stuff International, Hot Stuff and Hyatt International, First Family, Dangerous Alliance, New Fabulous Ones, partners with Doug Gilbert and Dark Patriot 

A.K.A.: The Bogie Man, Jason the Terrible, Tommy Gilbert, Jr. 

Finisher: Piledriver

Background: Another son, another father. Tommy Gilbert was a legend in Memphis. That might have played a part in his moving North. Finding Bob Backlund, Gilbert was taken under the man's wing and was made a low ranking member of the Superstars, albeit briefly. 

Yeah, briefly being the key phrase as one fight with the Masked Superstar left him utterly broken. Gilbert was dismissed from McMahon's company before his son took over. 

From there he went back to Memphis and from there sailed into legend. 

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