Friday, May 10, 2024

The Beast from the East-Superstars Profile#134

Bam Bam Bigelow

Real name: Scott Bigelow

Home: Ashbury Park, NJ

Membership: Superstars, Million Dollar Corporation, Triple Threat, Jersey Triad, the Triad, New Blood, partners with Big Van Vader

Finisher: Diving Headbutt

Background: One of the lord's own mutants. 

The biggest fish in most ponds, Bigelow found himself serving time in a Mexican prison. TLDR-working as a bounty hunter didn't pan out. 

Sir Oliver Humperdink, however, heard tale of this wild man and a few bribes later brought up to New York. Bigelow was at first used as a villain but the man's own charisma plus stories of him performing heroic deeds almost forced him onto the Superstars but he was a bad fit. 

Disgruntled as he could get, Bigelow first went to Japan before wandering a bit. He came back to New York in the 90s but that's recounted elsewhere.

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