Monday, May 6, 2024

And That's All the People Need to Know!- Superstars Profile#130

the Baron 

Real name: James Donald Raschke (at least that's who the checks were made out too)

Home: Republic of Germany (we think, his accent suggested the Bavarian alps)

Membership: Paul Jones Army, partners with Greg Valentine, Horst Hoffman, Mad Dog Vachon, Paul Jones, the Crusher, managed the Barbarian and the Warlord

A.K.A.: Fritz Von Raschke, Jim Raschke

Finisher: The Brain Claw

Background: To most people in Titan, the Baron was a shadowy figure. He issued orders to the Barbarian and the Warlord but the Powers of Pain quickly broke free from him for reasons unrevealed. 

After that he returned to his old Midwest stamping grounds. Why? That is unknown. His background, unknown. 

Although every so often, someone notices a hooded figure in the background of some old photos or catches glimpse of a twisted old man out of the corner of their eyes. 

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