Saturday, May 25, 2024

Tell That to My Face-Superstars Profile#149

Angelo Mosca

Real name: Angelo Mosca

Home: Waltham, MA

Membership: Superstars

A.K.A.: King Kong Mosca

Finisher: Sleeperhold

Background: Just a tough dude. 

Angelo wanted a challenge, so he headed North. Became a football legend in the Great White North but grew bored. Why couldn't he just knock the hell out some bums and call it a day?

This attitude may have gotten him cheered in Canada but in America it got him booed. He took on Bob Backlund. Lost, but gave him a good showing. He smashed a water pitcher over Pat Patterson's head. Got beaten up but gave a good showing. 

That sort of set the standard for him really. He went to work as a newscaster for Titan for their Canadian affiliates but retired in 1986.

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