Monday, May 13, 2024

The Dream-Superstars Profile#137

Akeem the African Dream

Real name: George Gray

Home: Deepest, Darkest Africa 

Membership: House of Humperdink, Twin Towers, Dungeon of Doom, partners with Gary Hart, Slick

Finisher: 747 Splash

History: Lord, where does one begin?

The One Man Gang was an ok bit but Slick felt he needed some 'pizazz'.

Thus, the One Man Gang vanished into the streets that spawned him. In his place roared Akeem-the African Dream!

Which, in hindsight, was a horrible idea. Oh, the outfit was cool. Jets built into the boots, bullet proof cloth, plus his headdress could double as a radio transmitter. They quickly decided to pair him up with the Big Boss Man as the Twin Towers but by 1990 everyone agreed this was a terrible idea and should never be spoken of again. 

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