Saturday, May 11, 2024

Just Another Country Boy-Superstars#135

Cousin Luke 

Real name: Luke G. Petit

Home: Mudlick, KY

Membership: Hillbilly Family, Superstars, Army of Darkness, Mad Mongolians, partners with Swede Hanson

Finisher: Mule Kick

Background: Sometimes blood is thicker than water but it don't get your clothes clean. 

Hillbilly Jim was having some problems with Roddy Piper. He already got his cousin Junior to help him, so why not Luke?

The issue was Luke was no Bob Orton and quite frankly resented being a 'hillbilly hero' even more than his cousin Junior. When his ankle was busted, well, he took that as a sign and left. A fellow called Texas Red was later seen raising hell in Japan but Jim was never able to confirm who he was. 

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