Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Raw-Boned Cowboy-Superstars Profile#142

Blackjack Mulligan 

Real name: Robert Windham

Home: El Paso, TX

Membership: The Blackjacks, the Machines, the Heenan Family, partners with Ric Flair

A.K.A.: Big Bob Windham, Big Machine, the Texan

Finisher: Clawhold


A son may overshine his father but if the father is the hardest fighter since Stan Hansen, one could forgive a few failings. 

Mulligan certainly did everything that was expected of him. Marines, a few pro football teams, yet no money or jobs. When his old buddy, now calling himself Blackjack Lanza, offered him a cool grand for roughly ten minutes work, well, you can't really blame the guy can you?

Outfitted with a special glove, the newly dubbed Blackjack Mulligan raised hell from the Midwest all the way to New York City. He had a special animosity for Andre the Giant. 

His son Barry would be better known. Probably the biggest thing was his personality being used as the basis for the Big Machine. As the 80's rolled on, Blackjack ceded more ground to his son and quietly retired. 

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