Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Luscious One-Superstars Profile#143

Johnny Valiant 

Real name: John L. Sullivan

Home: New York City, NY

Membership: The Valiant Brothers

A.K.A.: Luscious Johnny V

Background: As the oldest of the clan, Johnny always had his eyes on the gold. 

Seeing Bruno Sammartino in action prompted Johnny and his brother Jimmy (later joined by their brother Jerry) to try and knock Bruno down a peg. Not for any for particular reason. They weren't looking to disrupt the forces of law and order or any kind of political reasons. Nope, just seemed like a good idea at the time. 

Maybe it was this reason Vince Jr. bailed him out of jail and gave him a job as manager. His first client was Brutus Beefcake and with him they formed the Dream Team. When Beefcake left, Johnny sought out Dino Bravo but the new version was a bit shorter lived. Johnny still had eyes for the gold but it seemed everybody he managed fell short. 

He did a stint in the Midwest before finally retiring. He found more success as a comedian and character actor funny enough.

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