Sunday, May 26, 2024

Get the Rope-Superstars Profile#150

The Hangman

Real name: Neil Guay

Home: Matane, Quebec, Canada 

Membership: The Super Destroyers, managed by Classy Freddie Blassie

A.K.A.: Le Bourreau, Super Destroyer III, JP Durelle, the Towering Inferno, Big John the Quebec Lumberjack, Jean Louie, Jean Pierre LaSalle

Background: He was a cop but figured maybe being a hero paid better, then he decided being a villain paid even better. 

He became the Hangman, even got on the radar of the Hollywood Fashion Plate himself. Shame that was about it. Even got an enchanted rope to help him but it was no good. The biggest victory he ever had was taking down Rene Goulet, which kind of says many things. 

He left New York in 1981 for various points. 

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