Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#7

 "Three Boys and a Doggie" Ninja High School#7 (September 1988) with credits to James Hanrahan (script), Ben Dunn (pencils/inks), Craig Miller (letters), and Ben Dunn (editor)

Another addition to the cast, and focusing almost entirely on some side characters. 

Howard, Mikey, and Phrank are Jeremy's pals. They helped out Arnie raid RNC HQ a few issues back but that's been about it as far as characterization is concerned. 

Out in deep space, Dog Supreme is bored. His master, seen only in shadow, grants his agent a boon and sends him to Earth, as it sounds backwards and warlike. 

Our previously mentioned trio, however, are unaware of this and decide that the day is just too good to spend in school. Pity Phrank mentions this to Asrial (who's flying car now look like the Mach 5), who promptly rats them out to Ms. Celande.

She decides the only thing to do have the boys do some community service. The cops give them some nice uniforms and have them do some vital community serve, i.e. cleaning up the station basement. 

Dog Supreme, meanwhile, has arrived on Earth and already started his assault. The Earth Defense Force, from Robotech and a few gundams attack and are driven back. 

Back at the station, the boys find a crate. Inside is Terry-a cyborg law enforcement officer. Switching her on, the Dog Supreme alarm goes off. Terry thanks the boys and rushes out. Grabbing some guns, they quickly follow. When Terry is blown back, they step up, but the gun turns out to be empty.

Rushing back to the station, they manage to barricade the doors. The question is, now what? Heading down to the basement, they decide to try the door marked 'keep out'. Inside they find Professor Steamhead, or at least a computer generate image of him. Seems the police station's basement is home to Zetracom-the most advanced defense system ever designed.

Mikey, Howard, and Phrank are then sealed inside three tubes that quickly fill with steam. The computer explains that the steam is compose of zetranite-designed to give them remarkable powers!

Mikey (Zetra One) now has command of water.

Howard (Zetra Two) now has command of earth.

Phrank (Zetra Three) now has command of air. 

And so they rush out to defeat Dog Supreme!

Who at the moment is having a lunch at the local fast-food eatery. The food is so good he's going to spare the Earth! At least until the Zetramen blow up the restaurant and insult him.

Taking him one on one is failure, save for Phrank's fart joke. Summoning the giant robot, as of course they have a giant robot, they challenege Dog Supreme to a final battle-winner takes all!

Yup, rock-paper-scissors time. The Zetramen win but now they face an even more daunting task: Clean up.

When I first saw an ad for Power Rangers, I thought they were ripping off Zetramen. I was wrong, as Zetraman is more a parody of the show Sun Vulcan. Darn funny and really lets some minor characters change and lets them take the spotlight for a bit. 

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