Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#28

   "Ai-Yai-Yai, Robots" Ninja High School#28 (October 1991) with credits to Herb Mallette (script), Ben Dunn (art), Robert DeJesus (inks), Clem Robins (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

Mr. Fenwick, the debate team coach, is eyeing Jeremy, Ichi, and Lendo for spots on the team. When asked what they would do when the other team cuts them down with a brilliant counter that leaves the judges speechless. What would they do?

Jeremy would simply shake hands and call it day.

Ichi would utter a witty retort before slicing them apart.

Lendo would simply remind the judges he has more money than them.

Fenwick isn't happy, but eh, he'll have to work with what he has.

As the three head home, a meteor streaks through the sky and crashes in the lake. Asrial swops by and picks them up. She doesn't think it was a meteor. 

She's right, but to understand what, we flashback and by flashback, I mean we leap ahead some fifty thousand years into the future.

The Space Craven, of the Galactic Star Corps, is a junker and its crew isn't much better. The crew gets a message from higher ups. Basically, a research station was trying to monitor artificial intelligence and things went wrong. Now the robots are alive and quite annoyed. 

The crew, Steller Losers, points out why them? Command points out that they talked to them as they were about to meet the robots and they simply hoped to slow them down. 

The encounter goes poorly for our space heroes and ends with them blasting back to the past, i.e. the present day. The robots have already infected the ships robots, forcing the Losers to eject, where they promptly run into Asrial's car. 

Retreating back to the school, they come up with a plan and split off into teams. Asrial, when she finds that Nanny has been brainwashed and taken by the other robots, suits up and swears revenge. 

Not bad, although it seems the Steller Losers hadn't been seen since Extremely Silly#1 way back in 1986. If they had explained a bit more of the characters, I would have found it a smoother read, because so far, I'm a bit fuzzy even now who they are or even what their names are. 

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