Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#0

  "The Reluctant Princess/Cat Scratch Fever/the Day Before" Ninja High School#0 (May 1994) with credits to Ben Dunn (script), Ben Dunn/Pat Kelley (pencils), Ben Dunn (inks), Mike Sagera (letters), and Pat Duke (editor)

There were quite a few guest pencillers and inkers but they mostly handled the cameo characters. 

Yes, a new feature here at Geekademia, Ninjavember! Every day this month we'll be looking at something Ninja related, and what better than Ninja High School? I remember seeing this on the rack, but only at Eckerd's Drugs, usually next to the EC Comics reprints. 

So, given this was a prequel to the whole series, this focuses more on the three main characters and what they did right before the action in #1 (which we'll get to tomorrow)

"The Reluctant Princess" focuses on Princess Asrial. She's in her spaceship, heading to Earth. She reflects back on how she got there, namely her father picking her to represent their planet as they enter into an alliance with the Earth. She wishes her mother and two sisters goodbye as she dons a spacesuit to get one last look at her home planet. 

"Cat Scratch Fever" focuses on ninja Itchy as she spars with her younger sister Hitomi. The younger sister does good, but Itchy takes her down. As they bath, the sparing continues, albeit more verbal than physical. Seems Itchy is heading to America to be married. Itchy isn't keen on the idea but her grandfather is insistent she marry the boy of his choice before he will step aside from leading their clan (her parents, by the way, are not ninjas nor are they happy about their elder's deal). Itchy takes it all in stride-after all, this is simply an obstacle she can overcome, right?

"The Day Before" focuses on normal teenager Jeremy Feeble. He's enjoying a game of soccer when a rival player busts his nose. He shrugs it off, but goes to the doc anyway. Walking home he chats with some pals from school (more on them later) and plays catch with his little brother Ricky. His background isn't delved into that much, but we do learn that his dad is missing. 

Overall good, although a wee bit pointless. All the info here we learn in the first few issues and honestly in much more detail. Princess Asrial's father is given more character here and he comes across as a jerk, conflicting later portrayals. 

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