Sunday, November 13, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#12

  "Blue Food" Ninja High School#12 (June 1989) with credits to Ben Dunn (story/art), Clem Robins (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

A nature Aesop issue.

Nanny (large robot, Asrial's robot nanny, came to Earth a few issues ago) is going about Asrial's ship, taking care to water the tree. What tree?

Seems on Salusia, every inhabitant is given a tree to take care of. The tree outside is doing very well and even bearing fruit. Blue fruit, but fruit all the same.

Ichi walks by and is rather impressed by said fruit. Taking a few with her, she bakes them into tarts. Sammi happens by the Feeble house and tries one. Equally impressed, she heads over the tree and takes a large amount of fruit with her.

Lendo, meanwhile, is fuming. So far he has been deeply unimpressed by the quaint little burg of Quagmire, but hopefully his lunch date with Sammi will soothe the burn...

Or at least it would have, if the restaurant wasn't overcrowded. Seems Sammi baked the blue fruit into tarts too and sold them at lunch, causing a sensation. 

Seeing a profit, Lendo quickly has ALL the fruit picked. 

As Ichi dreams, more fruit starts to bloom under the moon. Unlike the other, this fruit drops the ground, opens some eyes and starts marching. 

They soon break into the RNC HQ and steal the fruit back. Lendo, annoyed, deploys the helicopters, but the tree (now massive) blocks the attacks. Mimi shows up and manages to calm things down when the Spirit of the Tree (looking like Totaro) appears and informs them that Lendo did a bad thing. 

After some public shamming, Lendo lets the tree have its apples back and things go back to normal. Jeremy arrives the next day and asks if anything happened. 

Ok, the nature amok is good. A pinch heavy handed, but not as bad as say, Captain Planet. 

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