Sunday, November 20, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#19

  "Blood and Irony" Ninja High School#19 (August 1990) with credits to Ben Dunn (story/art), Dan Nakrosis (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

If which we see the background on Professor Steamhead

We open in April, 1933 Germany. 

Johann Steamhein is a doctorate student at university. He's set to present his thesis, his best pal Karl is there, even if his theories on sunbeams are silly, and he's going to ask his best gal Sandra to marry him. 

Yup, nothing can go wrong.

Passing a truck carrying SS troops, Johann ignores them. Why shouldn't he? He didn't vote for them, so it's hardly an issue. Arriving at the school, he chats with Karl. Karl is in good spirits, both for his thesis defense and his joining the party.

The National Socialist Party. Johann isn't concerned. Science will save humanity, not politics. 

Sadly politics won't be ignored, as some troops rough up Professor Brunemeyer and kick him out of the school. Johann is outraged, but Karl is more blasé. Things change after all, if some people get ground up by the state, well, its for the greater good, right?

The dissertation goes pretty well, at least until a SS officer storms into the hall. Seems Johann's great-grandmother was Jewish, so as far as the state is concerned, he isn't getting a diploma. Johann leaves, but rushing to Sandra he finds her with a German officer. The same scene plays out. Going home, he finds his possession on the lawn.

Preparing to leave town, he sees Karl, who coldly suggest they don't see each other any more. Johann agrees and leaves on the first boat to America. Onboard, he bumps into science teacher Joshua Feeble, who was pouring over a book on steam technology. The pair strike up a friendship. 

Boy, who would have thought of all the issues this would age the least? We finally see the origin of Steamhead. The art is breathtaking, with Dunn capturing the betrayal in Johann's face in every detail. 

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