Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#15

  "Of Rats and Men" Ninja High School#15 (October 1989) with credits to Ben Dunn (story/art), Dan Nakrosis (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

We open at the gala. Father and son chat a bit. It seems Bob can't travel back to Earth. Last issue they mentioned he absorbed too much rat poison in his system (which seems rather bad) so the transfer would prove fatal. 

Putting that aside, Jeremy and Ichi dance as the party gets underway. Things are going great.

That's when the bombs go off. 

Yeah, the treasonous Baron Klebek is wishing a return to the old monarch, so he decides to front a rebellion. He also took the care to poison Bob's drink. The baron and his men escape in the chaos. 

With Bob bedridden, Jeremy, Ichi, and Captain Pasha take an airship to a remote forest where an antidote may be found. They get to the forest with no issue, but the tree and its berries are gone. 

Yeah, Baron Klenbek wasn't going to let an antidote be left lying around. He's also waiting there and takes the trio captive. Hauling them back to his castle, he makes it clear they die at dawn. 

At daybreak, Captain Pasha is dragged before the firing squad. Before he can be shot, Asrial arrives, decked head to toe in weaponry. 

The baron decides to shoot Jeremy and Ichi himself, but he forgot about Ichi being a trained ninja. She easily dispatches him. With the antidote in hand, Bob is cured and soon father and son share a moment before Jeremy and co. head back to Earth. 

Honestly? Pretty good. Art is great, we get a nice conclusion to the overall story. 

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