Saturday, November 19, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#18

 "The Last Kiss" Ninja High School#18 (May 1990) with credits to Ben Dunn (story/art), Clem Robbins (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

Another addition to the cast?

Anna Feeble (Jeremy's mom, in case you forgot) is cleaning house when a delivery truck pulls up and gives her a massive box. A box that looks a heck of a lot like a coffin...

Jeremy meets Ichi on his way, where a stranger eyes them intently. 

Back at the house, Anna and Asrial open the box and find Count Boscoe. He's dressed to the nines and has fangs, but he seems nice. He also thinks Asrial looks familiar, but I'm sure that plot point will be mentioned later. 

The count beings his tale. Seems back in the Motherland (Transylvania, obviously), the count was evicted from his castle for failure to pay any property tax. He tries the usual vampire tricks on the collection agent, but the older man has counters for all of them. Left with no choice, the count wires his niece in Quagmire and shipped himself over.

The issue, however, is that his niece Jesibell lives on 123 Marple Street. The company delivered him to 123 Maple St. 

Speaking of Jesibell, she runs into Jeremy and Ichi. Jeremy is friendly enough, although Ichi seems inclined to behead her. 

By the time Jeremy and co. arrive home, Asrial tells them the count is a vampire. Reformed, he swears, and he doesn't even drink blood. So, what about that intense fellow staring at Jeremy and Ichi? He's name is Slade and hunting vampires is his game. 

He tries to take on the count, for a reason so brilliant I shan't spoil it here, but in the end the Count and Slade make peace, and Anna offers the count a place to stay. 

Decent, and the fight is pretty good. Wasn't expecting a vampire to show up, but why not?

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