Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#22

 "Futuristic Reflections" Ninja High School#22 (January 1991) with credits to Ben Dunn (story/art), Alan Nedomuceno (plot) Clem Robbins (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

We open with what is clearly not the Doctor racing through space, nearly colliding with what is clearly not the Legion of Superheroes. 

Back on Earth, Asrial is bycyling through town, her thoughts on her family and future. 

At Ms. Celande's house, Jeremy is helping her organize her books. We finally get a flashback and yeah, it turns out our teacher with a time machine is actually from the future. 

Yeah, the FUTURE! In which she was a simple student, enrolled in her university's time travel class. She went through most of the semester without seeing the teacher, so when she spots an unattended time machine with the keys in it...

We cut back to the present day. Jeremy is back at school, where he is promptly tackled by Ichi as a strange girl watches on. As Jeremy eats lunch (and Ichi bandages him up from her tackle), a man who again, NOT the Doctor, approaches them holding what appears to be a coffee pot. 

He asks about Ms. Celande, but when informed that she 'left to head back to her college', the man flips out. 

Speaking of our erstwhile time travelers, that's what she's doing. Heading back to her native time, she runs into a time storm of some magnitude. Crash landing a few years before, she exits the ship to find the landscape a windy and blighted hellscape, every inch of land covered in buildings bearing the RNC logo. 

Back at school, Jeremy and Ichi are in Professor Steamhead's class when that strange girl from before interrupts. She says she's looking for Jeremy Feeble. When she spots him, she chucks a science lab table at him. Ichi uses her thunder kick, but the girl easily counters it. 

Arnie grabs her, but she easily tosses him aside before escaping. Turns out Jeremy held on, trying to stop her. Which actually works out great, she beams, since she was sent back to capture him. She leaps off in the distance. 

Ms. Celande, meanwhile, is having a freak out on her own. She knows the streets, but nothing else looks the same. An armored humanoid swoops down and drops her on a nearby roof as he flies off in pursuit of some armored teens.

She makes it to the campus and finds the NOT Doctor, and yes, he was her time travel instructor. It seems the divergent point, when their world went from a utopia to hell could be traced back to the disappearance of two people, Jeremy Feeble and Ichi-Kun Ichinoei!

Good set up, and the NOT Doctor manages to look different enough not to be a total rip off. He pops poky sticks like jelly babies though, and a brown coat and a shag haircut. 

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