Saturday, November 26, 2022

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#25

"Sheesh! Boom! Bah!" Ninja High School#25 (May 1991) with credits to Ben Dunn (story/art), Clem Robins (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

New storyline and new characters.

Jeremy and Ichi are heading towards the school's practice field, where Ichi (and we the readers) met Diane and her Koala Cheerleaders. Yup, the cheerleaders are the most popular team in the school, as well as the most powerful. 

Ichi takes offense at the casualness which Diane speaks to Jeremy, and is a bit put off by the knowledge that she and Jeremy were close. It comes to a boiling point and Ichi finally accepts Diane's challenge to try out for the team.

Diane and the team weigh in on Ichi. They aren't impressed, but they need a new member as Diane is set to graduate this year. They have another problem, as junior member Sandy doesn't have a boyfriend yet, and tradition dictates that all cheerleaders must have a boyfriend.

Sandy sees an answer to her problem when Sammi cuts across the field to make a delivery. Sammi tries to be as diplomatic as possible that she doesn't swing that way, but Sandy won't take a hint. Things get worse from there. 

Silly but good way to establish the new characters. Very Rumiko Takahashi, and as I said before, I was reading this before I even knew what manga was. 

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