Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Name Says it All-Superstars Profile#23

Mr. Perfect
Real name: Curt Henning
Home: Robbinsdale, MN
Membership: Partners with Larry "the Ax" Henning, Scott Hall, the Heenan Family, the Diamond Exchange, nWo [Hollywood, Wolfpac], Four Horsemen, West Texas Rednecks, Millionaire's Club, Sports Entertainment Xtreme
A.K.A.: N/A
Finisher: Perfect-Plex

Background: What can say other than Perfect?

Curt Henning was the son of the infamous Ax. Ax raised his boy to be the best. Sports, Academics, if it could be done then by God, Curt was going to master it. By the time he was a teen he was able to sink a hole in one, catch a football that he tossed and bowl a perfect game.

As Curt grew older he first tried to play his hand at the hero game, becoming a local legend in Minnesota, but his confidence grew to arrogance. Why should he worry about the Superstars? Wasn't he above them all? Wasn't he by his very nature perfect?

So when he arrived in the Big Apple he decided that he was going to take the leadership of the Superstars away from Hulk Hogan by beating the man to a pulp. He came closer than most, but despite even assistance from the Genius he failed to defeat the Hulkster.

He then decided to pick a fight with the Ultimate Warrior. That ended about as well as you would think. Despite this, Mr. Perfect continued on through the 90's but he slowly faded to the background and his story is continued elsewhere.

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