Friday, May 29, 2020

At Ease Maggots!-Superstars Profile#29

Sgt. Slaughter
Real name: Classified
Home: Paris Island, SC
Membership: Partners with "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, the Super Destroyers, Cobra Corps, Triangle of Evil, the Corporation, the Mercenaries, Project-Delta
A.K.A.: Bob Remus, Executioner, Matt Burns, Super Destroyer Mark II
Finisher: Cobra Clutch

Background: Easily the most decorated man to never be on the Superstars team.

His actual history still classified, the man who would be the toughest SOB out of the Island is known to have served as the personal drill instructor for something called 'Project-Delta' back in the 80's. He was seen in the Northeast for a bit back in the early 80's, where he once fought Bob Backlund to a standstill.

He moved west and worked out of Minneapolis for a bit, forming a few teams here and there. 1990 saw his return to New York and with it a new mission-infiltrate Titan Inc. What exactly happened is only spoken of in rumors but soon the Sarge seemed crueler, attacking random people for not being 'patriotic' enough.

Then he started running around dressed as an Iraq trooper, but that is detailed elsewhere.

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