Thursday, May 7, 2020

Often Imitated, Never Duplicated-Superstars Profile#7

Captain Lou Albano
Real name: Louis Albano
Home: Carmel, NY
Membership: The Sicilians, the Orient Express, the Headshrinkers, the Moondogs, the Blackjacks, the Wild Samoans, the Machines, the British Bulldogs
A.K.A.: Leaping Lou Albano, the Captain
Finisher: Non' yer business

Background: Why's he called the Captain? Cuz he'll never steer you wrong!

Lou Albano was a guy with some breaks, good and bad. He tried to be a hero at first, really, but "Leaping Lou" failed to make the cut for the Superstars. He went the other way and became a pirate themed robber for a while before he started hiring himself out.

You see, Lou had ideas. Why sweat it off fighting guys in tights when he could tell them where to hit and get a cut of the profits?

Lou was good, darn good and soon the Northeast was equally cut between him, "Classy" Freddie Blassie, and the Grand Wizard. When McMahon Jr. came to power, Lou found himself thrust into the public eye. He also caught the eye of pop singer Cyndi Lauper. A feud kicked off but the public grew enamored of the rubber band wearing faster talker. He and Lauper settled things, after their proxies duked it out, but when Roddy Piper and "Cowboy" Bob Orton assaulted the Cap after an awards ceremony the public was fully on the captain's side.

Lou finally found himself on the Superstars team at last but mostly in an advisory position. He was quietly retired and dedicated himself to charity work for real. 

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