Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hot Rod-Superstars Profile#2

Roddy Piper
Real name: Roderick Toombs
Home: Glasgow, Scotland
Membership: Partners with "Cowboy" Bob Orton, Superstars
A.K.A.: Masked Canadian, Super Scorpion
Finisher: Sleeper hold

Background: Some are destined for greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them...and some sit on the sidelines and snark.

Roderick Toombs grew up around the globe but always considered Scotland his home. Leaving at a young age, the youth found he had the gift of gab, specifically the ability to rile people up to commit violence, usually against him.

He was noticed by Mr. McMahon after watching his talk show Piper's Pit, where Piper introduced himself to the crowd by usually berating and/or attacking the guests. His bloody and brutal talk with Frank Williams got him on McMahon's radar, but his beating of "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka got him McMahon's attention.

Sure, Hulk Hogan had the public's attention but who could he fight? So Piper became the Hulkster's number 1 foe, yet the one guy the hero couldn't just beat up. At least not without charging admission.

Then something happened, namely he got popular. It was decided to switch Piper over to the side of the angels, or at least enough reign him enough not to lose any sponsors. He wasn't as popular as the 'Orange Hobgoblin' but he still managed to earn more than a few fans.

When the Hulkster left, Piper saw the writing on the wall and left with a highly rated farewell episode. He came back sporadically during the mid-90's.

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