Thursday, May 14, 2020

Adorable and Golden-Superstars Profile#14

"Adorable" Adrian Adonis
Real name: Keith Adonis Franke
Home: New York City, NY
Membership: East-West Connection, North-South Connection, the Heenan Family
A.K.A.: Keith Franks
Finisher: DDT

Background: Some men are destined to bestride the world like a colossus while others watch from the sidelines. The man who would be Adonis tried his best to be the former.

He started out as biker named Keith Frank/Franks. He rode with none other than Jesse "the Body" Ventura and they were soon dubbed the East-West Connection. They looked poised to take on the world when Jesse opted to get into broadcasting.

Next, Keith teamed up with outlaw Dick Murdoch as the North-South Connection...but all that got him was a few years for robbery and assault.

But Murdoch knew some guys and when he got out, he told Keith to give his friends a call. Keith did and soon his hair was dyed, his leathers were now silk and he had makeup that even Alice Cooper would pass on.

Heenan soon traded him to Jimmy "Mouth of the South" Hart (in exchange for King Kong Bundy, although he didn't know that at the time). Hart tried a different approach. It was decided that Adonis, as he was now called, would be a media superstar. So he started running a flower shop and cutting into Roddy Piper's show. This got him beaten a shaved bald.

Annoyed, Adonis fired Hart, found Murdoch and the pair hit the road and into the pages of history.

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