Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shark Week: Tentacles (1977)

Tentacles (1977), dir. Ovidio G. Assonitis, A-Esse Cinematografica/Cherkaway Ltd. 

So, mercifully, thankfully, we bring this segment to an end for another year. We've spent all week on sharks, so why not formally end with a Jaws rip-off?

Solona Beach is a quiet beachside burg, at least until the murders started. Yeah, murders as in plural. One fellow is killed shortly after leaving a cab, quickly followed by a crusty old fisherman (who's decapitated body is found the next day) and a baby. 

So the stakes are pretty high

Sherrif Robards (Claude Akins) and reporter Ned Turner (John Huston) are on the case, although Turner seems convinced that Trojan Tunneling Company, and its president Mr. Whitehead (Henry Fonda) are somehow connected. 

Ned talks with former pro diver Will Gleason (Bo Hopkins) into investigating, but Gleason is reluctant. An injury some years all but ruined his lung capacity, so deep dives are strictly out, but at length he does show up in town, his family in tow. 

Meanwhile, Turner's daughter Tillie (Shelly Winters) is over the moon at her son and his friends are preparing to enter into the local boat race. You know, in the water, where all the bodies are being found?

It's no secret the killer is an octopus, apparently driven mad by local radio waves. The murder victims are being near or using radios is a bit clumsy but at least it makes some sense. 

It's not a good film, but I wouldn't call it awful. The cast is good and everyone is certainly giving it their best. The solution to killing the octopus is pretty original. 

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