Sunday, July 14, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 105


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

Just forty-eight hours from Blackjack Brawl!

UWF Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Billy Jack Haynes 

Winner: Bigelow in 10

Herb Abrams comes out. He's bandaged but walking. The footage is shot on video and he seems to some height off the ground. 

He's there in Las Vegas, overseeing the final preparations for the Blackjack Brawl. It will be a first in North America, and, he hopes, a first for you viewers at home. It will be of the same excellence that you come to expect from the UWF.

Sunny Beach VS Rip Rogers

Winner: Beach, looking more intense than usual, is a house of fire. Rogers is overwhelmed in 10 and Beach stomps off after the ref raises his hand. 

The Dark Patriot VS Stevie Ray

Winner: Ray does his best, but the Dark One gets him in a Texas Cloverleaf for the win in 15

Blue Demon, Jr. VS Dan Spivey 

Winner: Blue Demon in 24. Spivey nails the masked one with a DDT but Demon fights his way out of the pin and hits him with the huracanrana before slapping the scorpion deathlock on Spivey for the win. 

We end with a small promo for the show.

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