Friday, July 12, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 103


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWG Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Buddy Roberts

Winner: Bigelow in 10. Roberts tries to cheat, but Bigelow muscles through every eye rake and pulled tights. Terry Gordy runs out to assist, but Bigelow smacks him down with a steel chair before pinning Roberts. 

Super Ninja VS Sam Houston

Winner: the Ninja takes the win in 7 mostly via a black egg and some well placed smoke bomb for a quick pin. 

Herb Abrams comes out. As he said, all titles will be on the line, but there will also be some champions from around the world. All-Japan, CMLL, hell, initials you've never even heard off, all appearing at Blackjack Brawl.

And what is the brawl? It will be the most intense match ever seen in UWF. 30 men and women will enter the ring. 60 minutes to declare one winner. The exact stipulation of the match will be kept secret until the day of the event but expect chaos!

UWF Women's title

Rotten Robin (c) VS Xochitl Hamada 

Winner: Robin retains in 14 with a handful of tights. 

Wendi Richter comes out and confronts Robin. She makes it clear such cheating will not go unpunished. She's been talking to Luna Vachon and Luna will be her opponent at Blackjack Brawl-in a cage match!

Dan Spivey VS Lightning Kid

Winner: Spivey with a DDT in 10. The Kid tries but Spivey just overpowers him and takes the win. 

The Dogs of  War come out and confront Spivey. They might have a place, maybe. He brushes them off but Jason the Terrible attacks. We end with the cameraman being superkicked and the camera going flying. 

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