Thursday, July 25, 2024

Shark Week: Shark in Venice (2008)

 Shark in Venice (2008), dir. Danny Lerner, Nu Image Films/Venice Sharks

David Franks (Stephan Baldwin) and his girlfriend Laura (Vanessa Johansson) are in Venice, but it isn't a romantic getaway. No, they are in the canaled city looking into the disappearance and more than likely death of David's father. 

David and a red shirt fellow slip into some wetsuits and go exploring under the city. They find two things; 1) sharks that promptly eat the other guy and 2) a room filled with treasure. David manages to snag a brooch before slipping away and passing out thanks to blood lose.

After David recovers, he and Laura are more or less forced to meet with Vito Clemenza (Giacomo Gonella). Vito is VERY interested in the brooch, and if David could maybe get him all the treasure, well that would be great. 

Can David stop the sharks? Will anything be resolved by the end?

Yeah, not great. Are the sharks in Venice (the film was shot in Bulgaria, for added hilarity) a result of weather change or did Vito do something? The film seems a bit confused on this point. 

Not really worth the effort.

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