Sunday, July 21, 2024

Shark Week: Hammerhead (2005)

  Hammerhead (2005), dir. Michael Oblowitz, Millennium Films/Equity Pictures Medienfonds GmbH & Co. KG II/Active Entertainment/Harbor Productions 

Bringing this back, because why not?

Paul King (Anton Argirov) is dead. His wife Amelia (Hunter Tulo) mourns but his father Dr. King (Jeffery Combs) takes it harder than he lets on. 

Five years later, Dr. King has graciously invited all the doctors who worked on his son to his private island, as well as Amelia and her new beau Tom (William Forsythe). The reason for this magnanimous gesture? Why, to show off his son's return!

If you caught a glimpse of the poster you might notice old Paul has gone through some changes. Yup, with the power of SCIENCE! Dr. King has brought his son back to life, albeit as a giant shark man hybrid that wants to eat people but eh, he'll fix it in the upgrade. 

This film isn't terribly serious but Combs manages to elevate it. Rather shocked at Forsythe playing the hero instead of a heavy or a goon. Honestly if the rest of the cast was at their level this could have been the next cult hit but as it is it never gets above a SciFi movie of the week (which is what is was so that evens out.)

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