Monday, July 8, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 99


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

With Blackjack Brawl drawing ever nearer, we see the debut of the logo and shots of the arena. Herb is beside himself, but he grows somber. The update on Paul Orndorff is better than he had expected but the commissioner is expected to be out for a while. An interim commissioner will be announced later this month. 

SD Jones VS Bad News Allen

Allen comes in like a house of fire. 2 judo moves later, Jones is in an armbar and tapping out. 5 mins. 

Kevin Von Erich VS Larry Power

Wrestler VS HOSS. Kevin wears him down and slaps on the Iron Claw, getting the win. 10 mins. 

Jason the Terrible VS Reno Riggins 

David Strong watches from the wings. Jason is unarmed but he mostly picks Riggins up and slings him around. One toss into the corner later, Jason places his boot on Riggins shoulder. The referee nervously counts three before fleeing. Jason then picks up Riggins and chucks him into the announcer's table. 6 mins. 

UWF Tag Team titles

The Blackhearts (c) VS "Iron" Mike Sharpe & "Leaping" Lanny Poffo

The faces put up a surprisingly good effort but the champs retain in 10 mins.

UWF television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Dan Spivey

fast VS power. Bigelow manages to slip out of the DDT and get the pin. 15 mins. 

UWF North American title

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams (c) VS "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. 

Winner: Champ retains in 13 mins. Orton tries to cheat but Williams overpowers him and one powerbomb later gets the pin. 

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