Friday, July 26, 2024

Shark Week: Sharknado (2013)

 Sharknado (2013), dir. Anthony C. Ferrante, the Asylum/SyFy Films 

Nearing the end, so why not end on a high note?

Finn Shepard (Ian Ziering) is a former surfer and current bar owner. Things aren't going great. He's split up with his wife April (Tara Reid), his daughter Claudia (Aubrey Peeples) feels left out, and his son Matt (Chuck Hittinger) is entering flight school, so I guess things could be worse. 

Sharks, sharks could be worse.

Yup, seems an illegal shark poaching deal ends with a bunch of sharks getting sucked up into a tornado/hurricane. How does this impact Finn? Well, his bar is directly in the path of said shark/tornado  hybrid so Finn's day is about to get so, so much worse. 

Not much else to say; either you'll think is the most brilliant idea for a film in the past ten years or this is the single dumbest idea ever put to film. The cast sells it and does a pretty good job. Ziering acts as best he can, even if there is a hint of 'just think of the paycheck' behind his eyes. 

Worth one viewing if nothing else.

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