Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Shark Week: Malibu Shark Attack (2008)

 Malibu Shark Attack (2008), dir. David Lister, Insight Film Studios/Limelight International Media Entertainment 

Half way finished, and we have another SciFi Channel made for tv flick.

Heather (Peta Wilson) is head lifeguard on the biggest stretch of beach in Malibu. She works alongside her friends and her ex-boyfriend Chavez (Warren Christie). There are some other folks, including a construction crew fixing up a beach house, a couple, and a teenager on work release. 

Then the goblins attack

Well, goblin sharks at least which does make for a nice change of pace. Usually it's either great whites or makos, so yeah we get a different breed of shark that has a nice visual. 

One tsunami later, and our leads are trapped in the lifeguard shack while said goblin sharks circle and boy, are they hungry!

Eh. Honestly this could just as easily be 30 minutes and it wouldn't lose much. The actors are certainly trying but what with the effects and the general tone it just isn't enough. 

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