Monday, July 1, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 92


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff comes out in a suit. He's all smiles, and why not? He's been busy getting some of the hottest talent in the wrestling world today to appear on the show but before he can go any further, the Dogs of War come out and surround the ring. David Strong and Rick Rude in particular aren't happy. Rude wants some gold damn it and he deserves it!

Orndorff counters, no, no he doesn't. He's 4 and 1. Not bad, but the Bounty Hunter has a better track record. Get that number up and he'll consider it. Rude starts to pace and rant when Bad News Allen rushes Orndorff from behind and slaps him in an armbar. Security and some of the faces rush from the back and manage free him. Joshua Ben-Gurion slaps Brown down and challenges him to a fight. Orndorff okays it as he's been carried out. 

UWF SportsChannel Television title 

Bad News Allen (c) VS Joshua Ben-Gurion

Power and skill collide. Ben-Gurion uses all his power and nearly beats Brown, but a few Ghettoblasters and Ben-Gurion ends up kissing the canvas. 10 mins. 

Colonel Red sits down with Cactus Jack. Is he excited to face more people? Jack glares at Red. Excited isn't the word colonel. Jack is...sad. Sad because of all the pain he's going to inflict. Sad because of all the careers he's about to shorten. Sad because he couldn't nail Mr. Wonderful with an elbow drop!

David Strong interrupts. He's got news on the next PPV, Blackjack Brawl! He's talked to Mr. Abrams and there's going to be a special opponent just for Cactus Jack! Jack's so overwhelmed he wrecks the set. 

Luna Vachon VS Xochitl Hamada 

Luna rushes and fights with every dirty trick in the book, even getting from some ref distraction from the Blackhearts but in the end Hamada nails her with a powerbomb for the win. 8 mis. 

The Blackhearts walk away as Luna screams in the ring. Rotten Robin shows up to comfort Luna, only to nail her with some brass knuckles. She then walks arm and arm off with the Blackhearts. 

The Patriot VS the Viking 

All American VS the fury of a Norseman. Patriot nails a full nelson slam for the win 10 mins. 

Herb Abrams comes out. Yes, there will be another PPV. The Blackjack Brawl, to be held Sunday, September 27th in the Las Vegas Convention Center! All titles on the line, superstars from across the globe!

Luna is on a rampage in the back. How dare the Blackhearts walk out on her! David Strong confronts her. He did make it clear she had one match to prove herself and she couldn't do. Nothing personal. She tries to brain him with a chair. Rotten Robin jumps her again, but Luna drives her off. This isn't over, she seethes! The Dogs of War will learn that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! She'll destroy everything Strong loves! Everything she vows as she's dragged away by security. 

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