Saturday, July 27, 2024

Shark Week: Tentacles (1977)

Tentacles (1977), dir. Ovidio G. Assonitis, A-Esse Cinematografica/Cherkaway Ltd. 

So, mercifully, thankfully, we bring this segment to an end for another year. We've spent all week on sharks, so why not formally end with a Jaws rip-off?

Friday, July 26, 2024

Shark Week: Sharknado (2013)

 Sharknado (2013), dir. Anthony C. Ferrante, the Asylum/SyFy Films 

Nearing the end, so why not end on a high note?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Shark Week: Shark in Venice (2008)

 Shark in Venice (2008), dir. Danny Lerner, Nu Image Films/Venice Sharks

David Franks (Stephan Baldwin) and his girlfriend Laura (Vanessa Johansson) are in Venice, but it isn't a romantic getaway. No, they are in the canaled city looking into the disappearance and more than likely death of David's father. 

David and a red shirt fellow slip into some wetsuits and go exploring under the city. They find two things; 1) sharks that promptly eat the other guy and 2) a room filled with treasure. David manages to snag a brooch before slipping away and passing out thanks to blood lose.

After David recovers, he and Laura are more or less forced to meet with Vito Clemenza (Giacomo Gonella). Vito is VERY interested in the brooch, and if David could maybe get him all the treasure, well that would be great. 

Can David stop the sharks? Will anything be resolved by the end?

Yeah, not great. Are the sharks in Venice (the film was shot in Bulgaria, for added hilarity) a result of weather change or did Vito do something? The film seems a bit confused on this point. 

Not really worth the effort.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Shark Week: Malibu Shark Attack (2008)

 Malibu Shark Attack (2008), dir. David Lister, Insight Film Studios/Limelight International Media Entertainment 

Half way finished, and we have another SciFi Channel made for tv flick.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Shark Week: Marina Monster (2008)

 Marina Monster (2008), dir. Christine Whitlock, CJ Creative Productions 

Bit of an odd one. Apparently the third film in a trilogy, I skipped over the first two as neither one dealt with sharks. 

Earl Molar (Trevor Crane) is just a working class joe, earning his pay at the Center of Inland Waters. He's dating Oceana Anchor (Michaelle LaHaise), daughter of his father's rival. Oh, and a bull shark as set up shop in the marina.

Will the shark be stopped? Will Commodore Molar (Ray Kohler) and Commodore Anchor (Andre Ciere) stop having sex with all the available women long enough to care? Will people stop pushing other people directly into the shark's path?

Yeah, a kill count of about 40, with most of a result of people either pushing, dragging or in one case, leaping directly in front of the shark. I know we make jokes about people watching films rooting for the monsters, but yeah, you WILL be cheering for the shark in this one, never mind how obviously fake it looks. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Shark Week: Shark Swarm (2008)

 Shark Swarm (2008), dir. James M. Contner, Larry Levinson Productions/RHI Entertainment/Silverstar Ltd. 

Apparently there is an entire series called Maneater?

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Shark Week: Hammerhead (2005)

  Hammerhead (2005), dir. Michael Oblowitz, Millennium Films/Equity Pictures Medienfonds GmbH & Co. KG II/Active Entertainment/Harbor Productions 

Bringing this back, because why not?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 106


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

Blackjack Brawl fallout!

Captain's Corner

Jerry Lynn sits down with Captain Lou. He's doing better, but he has a message for Kevin Von Erich. He could have left him to Allen, could have taken the win, but he didn't. He's just curious what Mr. Brawl winner has to say about that. 

Kevin Von Erich comes out. He's darn grateful, so much so he's willing give any of the number one contenders to him, no match or anything. Jerry narrows his eyes and points to the World title. Kevin looks taken back for a second, but after a few seconds slowly nods his head and gives the title shot to Lynn. 

Herb Abrams comes out and He's fit to burst. Best show they've ever done, so far! And 2 bits of news. Rampage will return, so keep an eye out for that. 

The second bit of news is the addition of a new title belt and a slight change to the program. After the Brawl, the owners of the Global Wrestling Federation have thrown in towel, as it were and on top of that there is the matter of the GWF Light Heavyweight championship. 

The Lightning Kid comes out, belt in hand. Since the Kid spends so much time here in the UWF, it was decided to simply bring the title in, its history will be respected, but the Kid will be treated as the first champ. 

Colonel Red tries to have an interview with David Strong but the Dogs of War aren't happy. The Blackhearts kept their titles, but Robin losing the title and Allen's lack of showing at the Brawl? Well, David is laying down the law. Any more losses and Jason the Terrible is going to be busy. He turns his attention to Rude. Starting next week, Rude is going on the offense and he is going to take that title!

Herb comes out and has another announcement-Fury Hour is no more! No, they're not going under. What with the influxes of titles and the GWF roster, Fury Hour is simply UWF Fury and it will be TWO Hours!

The rest of the show is a video package on the currents champs. Next week will be Dr. Death defending his title against Jerry Lynn!

Monday, July 15, 2024

UWF Blackjack Brawl PPV


Las Vegas Convention Center 

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

Exhibition match

UWF VS All Japan

Tina Moretti VS Manami Toyota

Winner: Moretti gets the win via piledriver in 8. 

UWF Women's Championship 

Rotten Robin (c) VS Luna Vachon 

Winner: Explosive way to kick off the PPV, with Luna rushing the ring and putting Robin on the defensive. Robin starts to get the upper hand after an eye rake, but Luna busts out some proper grappling and just power bombs the hell out of the champ in 10.

Exhibition match


Los Conquistadores VS Los Gringos Locos (Art Barr and Eddie Guerrero)

Winner: Eddie does a classic tights pull to get the win after Barr hits #1 with a Frog Splash in 10

Title Unification 

UWF SportsChannel Television Championship/GWF Television Championship

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Michael Worthington Davis III

Winner: The snotty Davis tries to weasel his way out of the match every step of the way but Bigelow wins the crowd over by slamming the tar out of the rich boy for the win in 8

Exhibition match

UWF VS All Star Wrestling 

Blue Demon Jr. VS Dave Taylor

Winner: Blue Demon gets the win via Boston crab in 15

Title Unification 

UWF Tag Teag Championship/GWF Tag Team Championship

The Blackhearts (c) VS The Black Birds (c)

Winner: So, Apocalypse and Destruction taking on Iceman King Parsons and Action Jackson. The masked men full on cheat, doubling teaming Jackson and getting the pin and the gold in 15

Ivan Koloff VS Reno Riggins

Winner: Despite Riggins' best efforts, Koloff takes the win by stretching Riggins out in 10

UWF Brass Knuckles Championship

Falls Count Anywhere/No DQ match

Cactus Jack (c) VS Jason the Terrible

Winner: Jason isn't playing around, rushing to the ring ax handle in hand. Jack takes a beating and gives a beating too via steel chair. The ref gets knocked out, but both men don't care. The match spills out into the street, with Cactus doing a dive off a garbage truck and crack Jason's hockey mask with an elbow drop. Cactus dumps Jason in the back of the garbage truck before limping away in 25

Title Unification

UWF North American Championship/GWF North American Championship

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams (c) VS Rod Price (c)

Winner: Barely a contest, with Williams straight up overpowering Price in 10

Blackjack Brawl

The match is laid out as such. Three steel cages, stacked atop each other.

Tier 1: 10 people enter at once. After five minutes, the door to tier 2 opens and closes in three. Whoever is left is counted out. 

Tier 2: 5 men (based on their win/loss record) are already there. After ten minutes, the door to tier 3 opens and closes in three. 

Tier 3: Ladder in the center, all the marbles suspended. To win, you have to climb the ladder, grab the bag and escape through the roof. 

Tier 1: Bull Nakano, Ken Patrea, the Dark Patriot, Miss Texas, Jerry "the King" Lawler, Jerry Lynn, Bob Backlund, David Power, Larry Power, Greg "the Hammer" Valentine 

Patera is a house of fire, but the heels collectively team up to knock him out. When the door opens, Jerry Lynn, Bob Backlund make a rush while the Dark Patriot barely makes up. The masked man pulls the ladder up behind him, leaving the rest of them stranded below. 

Jerry Lynn, Bob Backlund, Dark Patriot pass

Tier 2: Bad News Allen, Booker T, Stevie Ray, Joshua Ben-Gurion, Kevin Von Erich

Bad News Allen plays it smart and lets the other guys fight. When the door opens, Von Erich and Jerry Lynn make it up as Allen struggles but makes before the door shuts.

Tier 3: Jerry Lynn, Kevin Von Erich, and Bad News Allen

Now all three men are fighting for the ladder. Lynn makes it up as Allen locks Von Erich in an armbar, but at the last second jumps off, breaking the hold and freeing Kevin. Kevin grabs the sack and scrambles up the ladder, winning the brawl and the number 1 contender to everything in 50 minutes. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 105


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

Just forty-eight hours from Blackjack Brawl!

UWF Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Billy Jack Haynes 

Winner: Bigelow in 10

Herb Abrams comes out. He's bandaged but walking. The footage is shot on video and he seems to some height off the ground. 

He's there in Las Vegas, overseeing the final preparations for the Blackjack Brawl. It will be a first in North America, and, he hopes, a first for you viewers at home. It will be of the same excellence that you come to expect from the UWF.

Sunny Beach VS Rip Rogers

Winner: Beach, looking more intense than usual, is a house of fire. Rogers is overwhelmed in 10 and Beach stomps off after the ref raises his hand. 

The Dark Patriot VS Stevie Ray

Winner: Ray does his best, but the Dark One gets him in a Texas Cloverleaf for the win in 15

Blue Demon, Jr. VS Dan Spivey 

Winner: Blue Demon in 24. Spivey nails the masked one with a DDT but Demon fights his way out of the pin and hits him with the huracanrana before slapping the scorpion deathlock on Spivey for the win. 

We end with a small promo for the show.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 104


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Don Muraco

Winner: Very close, but Bigelow retains in 8.

Barry Horowitz VS Brian Lee

Winner: Barry gives it his best shot but Lee simply slams him over and over. 6 mins.

Terry Gordy VS Jay Strongbow, Jr. 

Winner: Gordy easily smacks the 2nd generation guy around and pins him after a clothesline. 8 mins

Bob Backlund VS Greg "the Hammer" Valentine 

Winner: Lot of mat action but Bob gets the Hammer to submit in 15

Herb Abrams comes out. Just ONE more show before Blackjack Brawl. There's going to be thrills, celebs...but before he can say anymore Jason the Terrible shows up and toss him through the set wall before silently stomping off. 

UWF Tag Team titles

The Blackhearts (c) w/David Strong VS the Power Brothers

Winner: The brothers working face for the first time but the Blackhearts are better oiled and quickly get the win with a good old fashioned ref distraction in 15. 

Wendi Richter comes out. She noticed that, and Strong is going to have put ALL his titles on the line. Frankly she's getting tired of the cheating and his boys running amuck. So, as empowered by Mr. Abrams, if any of his Dogs of War lose at Blackjawk Brawl, they will be suspended!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 103


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWG Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Buddy Roberts

Winner: Bigelow in 10. Roberts tries to cheat, but Bigelow muscles through every eye rake and pulled tights. Terry Gordy runs out to assist, but Bigelow smacks him down with a steel chair before pinning Roberts. 

Super Ninja VS Sam Houston

Winner: the Ninja takes the win in 7 mostly via a black egg and some well placed smoke bomb for a quick pin. 

Herb Abrams comes out. As he said, all titles will be on the line, but there will also be some champions from around the world. All-Japan, CMLL, hell, initials you've never even heard off, all appearing at Blackjack Brawl.

And what is the brawl? It will be the most intense match ever seen in UWF. 30 men and women will enter the ring. 60 minutes to declare one winner. The exact stipulation of the match will be kept secret until the day of the event but expect chaos!

UWF Women's title

Rotten Robin (c) VS Xochitl Hamada 

Winner: Robin retains in 14 with a handful of tights. 

Wendi Richter comes out and confronts Robin. She makes it clear such cheating will not go unpunished. She's been talking to Luna Vachon and Luna will be her opponent at Blackjack Brawl-in a cage match!

Dan Spivey VS Lightning Kid

Winner: Spivey with a DDT in 10. The Kid tries but Spivey just overpowers him and takes the win. 

The Dogs of  War come out and confront Spivey. They might have a place, maybe. He brushes them off but Jason the Terrible attacks. We end with the cameraman being superkicked and the camera going flying. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 102


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS the Intern

Winner: Not even a contest. Bigelow retains in 3.

Joshua Ben-Gurion VS the Viking 

Winner: This one gets ugly. Ben-Gurion takes the win after a series of powerbombs in 8.

Blue Demon King VS Sam Houston 

Winner: Despite Houston's best efforts, the Demon King slaps a sleeper hold on him that he can't get out of and thus the King wins in 6

The Fabulous Freebirds VS Reno Riggins, Steve Simpson, and Chris Walker

Winner: The Freebirds brawl and outfight the faces, with Gordy getting the pin on Simpson in 10. 

Kevin Von Erich vs Bob Backlund 

Winner: Backlund manages to get the win via chicken wing in 20. Both men shake hands afterwards. 

Herb Abrams comes out. Next week we'll taking a look at the card for the Blackjack Brawl!

UWF Tag Team titles 

The Blackhearts (c) VS SD Jones and Chris Michaels 

Winner: Jones tries to take both men on, but a set of brass knuckles takes him down in 8. The Dogs of War come out to pose over the prone Jones. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 101


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS the Viking 

Winner: Bigelow moves like a cruiserweight and powerbombs the Nordic nomad for the pin in 10.

SD Jones VS Rip Rodgers

Winner: Jones comes in like a house of fire and gets the win with a headbutt in 8

Luna Vachon VS Miss Texas

Winner: Luna hits the Luna Bomb in 7

Captain's Corner

Lou Albano sits down with Reno Riggins. He's rested, he's charged, and he's ready to show the world what he can do at Blackjack Brawl!

Colonel Red sits down with the Fabulous Freebirds but the trio seem more interested in having a good time than answering the colonel's questions. He gets frustrated enough to sic the Super Ninja on them, but 1 on 3 aren't great odds and the masked man is beaten down for his trouble. 

Stan Hansen VS Steve Simpson 

Winner: Hansen with the lariat in 6

Jerry Lynn VS Fire Cat

Winner: Despite the cat's best efforts, Lynn takes the win in 8

"Gentleman" Chris Adams VS Steve Ray, with Sunny Beach

Winner: Ray gets the upset in 6 with a surprise roll up into a schoolboy pin. The former tag champs split as Adams rages in the ring as we fade out. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 100


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

Herb Abrams comes out. "100! One Hundred episodes! When we started the Universal Wrestling Federation, a lot of people said we were crazy, but I think we've proven them wrong, right?

Now, down to business. After a bit of searching, we have appointed a new commissioner."

Wendi Richter steps out in a neatly tailored suit. She promises to keep things in line and deliver some of the best wrestling on the planet!

UWF Televison title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS the Gladiator 

Just two big 'ol dudes beating the daylights out of each other. Bigelow takes the win with a splash. 10 minutes. 

UWF Tag Team titles

The Blackhearts (c) VS Steve Simpson and Kevin Von Erich

The faces do a good job, with Von Erich doing most of the heavy lifting but in the end two superkicks take him down. 10 mins. Luna Vachon rushes out from the back with a steel chair and starts wailing on the masked men. Security drags her off as she swears vengeance.

UWF Women's title

Rotten Robin (c) VS Malia Hosaka

Malia gives it a good try but Robin takes her to the mat too many times. 10 mins. Luna runs out and attacks Robin after the match. Robin, battered and bloody, makes it clear she is sick of Luna's tantrums. If she wants the title so bad, then she can meet her in the ring-at Blackjack Brawl!

UWF North American title

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams VS Cactus Jack

If the last match was bloody, then this is a massacre. Both men start out grappling but that gets tossed out. Dr. Death finally piledrives Jack enough times to knock him out. 25 mins of pure carnage with Williams leaving battered and bloody. 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 99


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

With Blackjack Brawl drawing ever nearer, we see the debut of the logo and shots of the arena. Herb is beside himself, but he grows somber. The update on Paul Orndorff is better than he had expected but the commissioner is expected to be out for a while. An interim commissioner will be announced later this month. 

SD Jones VS Bad News Allen

Allen comes in like a house of fire. 2 judo moves later, Jones is in an armbar and tapping out. 5 mins. 

Kevin Von Erich VS Larry Power

Wrestler VS HOSS. Kevin wears him down and slaps on the Iron Claw, getting the win. 10 mins. 

Jason the Terrible VS Reno Riggins 

David Strong watches from the wings. Jason is unarmed but he mostly picks Riggins up and slings him around. One toss into the corner later, Jason places his boot on Riggins shoulder. The referee nervously counts three before fleeing. Jason then picks up Riggins and chucks him into the announcer's table. 6 mins. 

UWF Tag Team titles

The Blackhearts (c) VS "Iron" Mike Sharpe & "Leaping" Lanny Poffo

The faces put up a surprisingly good effort but the champs retain in 10 mins.

UWF television title

Bam Bam Bigelow (c) VS Dan Spivey

fast VS power. Bigelow manages to slip out of the DDT and get the pin. 15 mins. 

UWF North American title

"Dr. Death" Steve Williams (c) VS "Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. 

Winner: Champ retains in 13 mins. Orton tries to cheat but Williams overpowers him and one powerbomb later gets the pin. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 98


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title tournament 


Bam Bam Bigelow VS Kevin Von Erich VS B. Brian Blair 

Blair is the odd man out and is quickly taken down by Von Erich's skill and Bigelow's sheer size thus leaving the two superstars. Von Erich goes for the Iron Claw but Bigelow suplexes the Texan into a quick pin. 13 mins. 

Captain Lou flags Bigelow down. Bigelow promises to be one hell of a champ. He might lose the belt someday but whoever takes it from him is going to have a fight on their hands. 

UWF Women's title 

Rotten Robin (c) VS Candi Devine 

Robin starts out strong but Devine starts to mount a comeback, a comeback that is squashed fairly quickly when Robin nails her with some brass knuckles. 8 mins

GWF/UWF Brass Knuckles title

Cactus Jack (c) VS...

Well, whoever was supposed to come out of the curtain may remain a mystery for the ages as Jason the Terrible rushes out from the crowd and goes to town on Cactus Jack with an ax handle. Less a wrestling match and more attempted homicide. Cactus takes a ridiculous amount of punishment but Jason can't pin him, although 10 minutes in he clearly stops caring about the title and opts for outright murder. The referee makes the mistakes of annoying him (mostly by being in his line of sight) so Jason turns his attention on the official. One gut punch later, multiple officials and security have rushed from the back and called a no contest. Swarming the masked madman, the two men are helped, but Cactus gets a third wind and leaps from the stretcher. He also grabs the stretcher and smacks Jason with it as they brawl into the back.  20 mins. 

Herb Abrams comes out and addresses the crowd. Obviously this level of violence is not the norm and such displays of violence will not be tolerated. Pay-per-views, on the other hand, are a different matter! Assuming Cactus is medically cleared, the Brass Knuckles title be defended in a match rarely seen in North America- a death match! And if he isn't, well there's always a sucker, I mean, contender waiting in the wings...

We end with David Strong meeting with Rick Rude, Bad News Allen, Rotten Robin, and the Blackhearts. Jason the Terrible, still bloody, barges in but Strong calms everyone down. Since the UWF has a new title, Strong simply got a guy to cover that division...and if anyone slacks off they'll know what he'll do to them. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 97


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title tournament 


Barry O VS B. Brian Blair 

Despite O's best efforts, Blair easily gets the win in 7 mins. 


Bam Bam Bigelow VS Kevin Von Erich VS B. Brian Blair 

No sooner does Mr. Wonderful announce this next week than the hockey masked fellow charge from behind and beat the commissioner down with an axe handle. He easily picks up Orndorff with one hand and chucks him through the backdrop. 

David Strong steps out and addresses the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce Jason the Terrible!" Strong in confident but even he looks wary at the hulking giant. He steps out of the way as Jason smacks security guards aside and casually leaves. 

Bad News Allen VS Johnny Ace

Allen doesn't attempt to keep it clean. He smacks Ace around and gets him in a submission hold in 5 mins. 

The Handsome Stranger VS the Blue Demon King 

The Stranger does a good job, even gets a two count, but Jason the Terrible shows up, distracting him and letting the Demon King have a quick roll up in 5. Jason smacks both men but takes time to throttle the Stranger. 

Captain's Corner 

Captain Lou sits down with "Dr. Death". He sits casually with the North American belt on his shoulder. They chat but Williams makes it clear the belt is HIS and he WILL be keeping it. Someone else gets a number one contender? Good for 'em but that doesn't change anything. Jason the Terrible throws a couch. Williams is blindsided and gets up and the two hosses started beating the tar out of each other, wrecking the set. Jason, blood pouring from his mask, headbutts Williams down and whips him with the belt before police officers burst onto the scene and drag the masked fellow out. 

We end with David Strong being confronted by an outraged Herb Abrams and Captain Lou. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 96


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title tournament 


Col. DeBeers VS Bam Bam Bigelow 

The South African military madman starts with low blows and heart punches early and often. Bigelow is on the ropes for a good portion but he gets his second wind and power bombs the hell out of DeBeers for the win. 15 mins. 

Kevin Von Erich VS "Gentleman" Chris Adams 

This is the match of the night. Von Erich and Adams start with a show of respect but Adams quickly dumps any pretense of honor and drags the match into a street fight. Von Erich, battered and bloody, hits the Iron Claw for the win. 30 mins. 

Barry O VS B. Brian Blair 


Bam Bam Bigelow VS Kevin Von Erich VS ???

Paul Orndorff comes out and makes it clear the last match of the semifinals will be next week, with the last match coming after that, via a three way match!

Just then, a stranger wearing a hocky mask and overalls tears his way out of the ring, ax in hand. He stares down Mr. Wonderful. Who is he?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Road Episode 95


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

UWF Television title tournament 

 Billy Jack Haynes VS Barry O

Haynes does darn good and a lot of power moves but Barry O gets the win when "Cowboy" Bob Orton saunters down to the ring and nails Haynes with his loaded cast. 8 mins. 

The Dark Patriot VS B. Brain Blair

With "Jumping" Jim Brunzell in his corner, Blair and the Dark Patriot are evenly matched, but the former Bee hits a splash that knocks the masked marauder out long enough to get a pin. 8 mins. 


Col. DeBeers VS Bam Bam Bigelow 

Kevin Von Erich VS "Gentleman" Chris Adams 

Barry O VS B. Brian Blair 

Herb Abrams comes out, bag in hand. He explains this bag is what at stake at the Blackjack Brawl. It isn't a mere sack, no, inside are tokens. Marbles, really, and if you win the brawl you win them all! Each token is a number one contender status for not one, not two, but EVERY title belt in the UWF. One lucky man, or woman, will be the number one contender for everything. 

Sunny Beach VS Greg "the Hammer" Valentine 

The former tag champ is on fire, wearing Valentine down with hard strikes before getting a lucky pin. 9 mins. 

The Gladiator VS Blue Demon, Jr. 

Power VS skill. The masked man of mystery gives it his best, the sheer Awesome power of the Gladiator is too much. 30 mins. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 94


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

We kick things off with a recap of the TV championship tournament. 

Kevin Von Erich VS Terry Gordy

A hard fought battle, with both men getting near falls. Kevin slaps on the Iron Claw and manages to wear the Freebird down enough to pin him. 15 mins. 

"Gentleman" Chris Adams VS Bob Backlund 

Adams and Backlund both start out respectful but it quickly breaks down into old school grappling VS judo. Adams is just too fast and too young for the older champ and makes him submit. 15 mins. 

Next time, 

Billy Jack Haynes VS Barry O

The Dark Patriot VS B. Brain Blair


Col. DeBeers VS Bam Bam Bigelow 

Kevin Von Erich VS "Gentleman" Chris Adams 

Captain's Corner 

Captain Lou sits down with Don Muraco. The older superstar isn't as fast as he was, but he's still got some gas in the tank. Jerry Lawler struts out and throws out some insults, basically saying Muraco should have retired five years ago. This sets the Rock off and he wants Lawler in the ring. Mr. Wonderful pops out and agrees but next week!

Ebony Experience (Booker T and Stevie Ray) VS Sabu and Axe Bomber

This is a blood bath. Sabu ends up putting Ray through a table and the crowd eats it up. 10 mins. 

Herb Abrams pops out as Ray is helped to the back. He holds up a small sack. Why? Tune in next week, and yes, it involves Blackjawk Brawl!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 93


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

Paul Orndorff comes out and he isn't happy. He summons Bad New Allen and the TV champ comes out. Allen is smirking but he changes his tune. That little stunt he pulled last week? Yeah, he has 2 options-either a massive fine or he hands over the TV title.

Allen is angry but then he goes calm. "Fine, getting bored of this chump champ belt anyway. Next gold that goes around my waist is going to be bigger anyway!" 

Thus we'll be starting a new tournament to crown a new TV champ-tonight!

The tournament will be broken down as such:

Sam Houston VS Col. DeBeers

"Iron" Mike Sharpe VS Bam Bam Bigelow

Kevin Von Erich VS Terry Gordy 

"Gentleman" Chris Adams VS Bob Backlund 

Billy Jack Haynes VS Barry O

The Dark Patriot VS B. Brain Blair

Sam Houston VS Col. DeBeers 

Sam tries his best, but DeBeers nails his Heart Punch twice, winning TKO. 8 mins. 

"Iron" Mike Sharpe VS Bam Bam Bigelow

Sharpe is outpaced at every turn. Bigelow does a perfect cartwheel and smacks him stupid with an elbow. 7 mins. 

Colonel Red sits down with Bad News Allen and David Strong. Neither man is happy. Strong is upset his Dogs of War doesn't have the TV title. Allen is upset that apparently he was only seen as a midcard guy. Rick Rude comes out and makes it clear HE'S the main event guy. Allen points out Rude has only 4 matches out of 5. He's won 27 out of 28. Why isn't he going after Doctor Death?

Paul Orndorff comes out, and yes, he agrees. So the main event tonight-Rick Rude VS Bad News Allen!

UWF Women's title

Rotten Robin (c) VS Miss Texas 

Miss Texas gives it her all, but the Blackhearts swoop in at the last minutes and lay her out with a steel chair, thus giving Robin the win. The announcers even point out even if they could get alert the ref, all that would do is Texas the win via DQ and thus no title. 8 mins. 

Luna Vachon rushes out and nails Robin with a chair. She doesn't care if she doesn't get a title or not, as long as Robin is in the UWF, she's going to hunt her down like the vermin she is! She keeps the Blackhearts at bay long enough to escape. 

Herb Abrams comes out and he has news for Blackjack Brawl. Things haven't been so great with the GWF lately, so this PPV there will be 2 matches! First, the GWF will have a chance to win their Brass Knuckles title back and next, Herb is so confident about his wrestlers he is proposing a title unification. The UWF titles VS the GWF titles!

Rick Rude VS Bad News Allen. 

The Blackhearts are behind Rude while Robin is behind Allen. Rude plays the babyface in peril but he switches over to his cocky heel. Allen goes from wrestling to judo holds. Strong tries to interfere but Rude wins with pure skill. 15 mins. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Rebooking for UWF Fury Hour Episode 92


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Captain Lou Albano

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff comes out in a suit. He's all smiles, and why not? He's been busy getting some of the hottest talent in the wrestling world today to appear on the show but before he can go any further, the Dogs of War come out and surround the ring. David Strong and Rick Rude in particular aren't happy. Rude wants some gold damn it and he deserves it!

Orndorff counters, no, no he doesn't. He's 4 and 1. Not bad, but the Bounty Hunter has a better track record. Get that number up and he'll consider it. Rude starts to pace and rant when Bad News Allen rushes Orndorff from behind and slaps him in an armbar. Security and some of the faces rush from the back and manage free him. Joshua Ben-Gurion slaps Brown down and challenges him to a fight. Orndorff okays it as he's been carried out. 

UWF SportsChannel Television title 

Bad News Allen (c) VS Joshua Ben-Gurion

Power and skill collide. Ben-Gurion uses all his power and nearly beats Brown, but a few Ghettoblasters and Ben-Gurion ends up kissing the canvas. 10 mins. 

Colonel Red sits down with Cactus Jack. Is he excited to face more people? Jack glares at Red. Excited isn't the word colonel. Jack is...sad. Sad because of all the pain he's going to inflict. Sad because of all the careers he's about to shorten. Sad because he couldn't nail Mr. Wonderful with an elbow drop!

David Strong interrupts. He's got news on the next PPV, Blackjack Brawl! He's talked to Mr. Abrams and there's going to be a special opponent just for Cactus Jack! Jack's so overwhelmed he wrecks the set. 

Luna Vachon VS Xochitl Hamada 

Luna rushes and fights with every dirty trick in the book, even getting from some ref distraction from the Blackhearts but in the end Hamada nails her with a powerbomb for the win. 8 mis. 

The Blackhearts walk away as Luna screams in the ring. Rotten Robin shows up to comfort Luna, only to nail her with some brass knuckles. She then walks arm and arm off with the Blackhearts. 

The Patriot VS the Viking 

All American VS the fury of a Norseman. Patriot nails a full nelson slam for the win 10 mins. 

Herb Abrams comes out. Yes, there will be another PPV. The Blackjack Brawl, to be held Sunday, September 27th in the Las Vegas Convention Center! All titles on the line, superstars from across the globe!

Luna is on a rampage in the back. How dare the Blackhearts walk out on her! David Strong confronts her. He did make it clear she had one match to prove herself and she couldn't do. Nothing personal. She tries to brain him with a chair. Rotten Robin jumps her again, but Luna drives her off. This isn't over, she seethes! The Dogs of War will learn that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! She'll destroy everything Strong loves! Everything she vows as she's dragged away by security.