Saturday, July 10, 2021

UWF Fury Hour Rebooking Episode 48


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Lou Albano

We open with Herb Abrams hyping Rampage, October 6! There will be action galore, all your favorite superstars, more surprises, and a first for UWF, a steel cage match for the UWF North American championship! Celebrities, action, and more! Be there!

Ken Patera VS Barry O

Winner: Patera in a pure technical match in 8

UWF Television title

The Bounty Hunter (c) VS Jay Strongbow, Jr. 

Winner: Champ retains when Cactus Jack nails the face with an elbow drop as the ref is distracted by Bob Orton raising a fuss by the ring in 8

SD Jones VS Col. DeBeers 

Winner: DeBeers with a heart punch in 5

David Strong w/John Tolos VS "Spitball" Patterson

Winner: Strong in 8. Prior to the match, Strong comes out and throws out an open challenge. He's had so much success heading into Rampage, he vows if he loses just one match he'll leave the UWF forever. Patterson answers the question and get a beating for his effort, with Orton and Cactus Jack helping out. Patterson's trunks ae black, gold, and white like the Pittsburgh Pirates. 

Red's Corner

Colonel Red, with Super Ninja at his side, is pleased as punch to bring a fellow countryman out here to the blasted hellscape known as LA. A man who has worn gold everywhere he's been and he has no doubt he'll do the same here. The legend of Memphis, the successor to the King himself, Jerry Lawler!

Jerry comes out with his usual fanfare. He talks trash about Paul Orndorff, namely that he was little more than a glorified sidekick to a certain balding orange hobgoblin back east. He could take the title easy, but since Mr. Abrams was kind enough to fly him out to California and since all the posters for Rampage are promising Orndorff, well, that wouldn't be fair would it? So he'll just fight whoever's the champ at the next show. 

Orndorff storms out but Super Ninja blocks him. Jerry just sits back and talks smack. Herb comes out. he agrees to Jerry's terms, but since Orndorff has so much energy to burn, how about Paul Orndorff VS Super Ninja right now?

UWF North American title

Paul Orndorff (c) VS Super Ninja

Winner: Mr. Wonderful in a full beatdown in 10. Ninja fights with all his dirty tricks but Orndorff just overpowers him and takes the win. Orndorff gets on the mike and challenges Lawler to a finisher match. Best piledriver wins!


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