Thursday, July 1, 2021

UWF Fury Hour Rebooking Episode 39


Reseda Country Club

Announcers: Craig DeGeorge and Lou Albano

UWF Television title

Joshua Ben-Gurion (c) VS Barry O

Winner: champ retains in 7

Luna Vachon VS Tina Moretti 

Winner: Luna wins after a nasty bit of hair and tights pulling in 8. She then climbs out of the ring, grabs the mike, and declares she'll be taking the belt off of Wendi next week, no matter what. 

Captain's Corner

Captain Lou sets up the main event for tonight. We see a video montage of Paul Orndorff and David Sammartino, including David's promise to quit if he loses. Lou sits down with Bruno, who promises the match will be called fairly. 

Tag Team match

UWF Tag Team titles 

Wet N Wild [Steve Ray and Sunny Beach] (c) VS Cowboy Bob Orton and Cactus Jack w/John Tolos and the Bounty Hunter

Winner: In a stunning upset, the heels win with Orton hitting Ray with the loaded forearm. Tolos takes the mike. "Folks, this is only the beginning!"10 minutes 

 UWF North American title

Paul Orndorff (c) VS David Sammartino

Winner: Orndorff in 15. It goes back and forth between the two, with a couple of near pinfalls for David, but in the end Orndorff powers out of David's bearhug and delivers a piledriver for the win. 

After the match, a dazed David takes the microphone from Lou Albano as his father comes down the ring. "Last week I made a promise. I said if I lost, David Sammartino would never set into the ring again!" He hugs his father as John Tolos, Cactus Jack, and Bob Orton come out.

Before the horrified crowd, David then knees his father in the gut and piledrives him to the mat as Orton and Cactus rush the ring with chairs. Orndorff is knocked down and out as the heels clear the ring. 

David turns his venom onto the crowd. "You jackasses think I wanted this? No, all I wanted to make my old man proud! But no matter what, all I hear is Bruno this, Bruno that, you only got onto the card cause of your old man. I busted my ASS to get where I am, but no, everything is about that old man bleeding out here. So yeah, David Sammartino isn't going to be on the card any more. I'm David Strong and I'm taking what's mine!" He picks up the North American title and poses with it before tossing atop of a still out Orndorff. 

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