Sunday, July 26, 2020

Shark Week: Shark Kill (1976)

Shark Kill (1976) dir. William A. Graham,  D'Antoni/Weitz Productions

It's that time again folks. The time when you thought it was safe to go back into the water. Yes, it's Shark Week here at Geekademia and this week we'll be taking at look at some of the Made For Television flicks that dealt with underwater killers.

An oil company is building an underwater rig, despite the protests of Rick Danyer (Phillip Clark). His concern is mostly caused by the giant shark fin he spotted, but is promptly ignored. He gets a giant 'I told you so' when said shark munches down on the two luckless shmucks the company ordered down there.

One is turned into chum while the other survives, albeit barely. A 20,000 bounty is put on the shark, which attracts quite a few would be shark hunters, including the surviving diver's brother Cabo (Richard Yniguez). Cabo is driven to kill the shark, but the only boat in the marina that hasn't been hired is a barely held together tub and even then the captain is asking too much.

Luckily Rick happens by and agrees to split the fee and the bounty. Rick leaves his best gal a note and heads off with the roughneck Cabo to kill themselves a shark.

One collusion with a drunk yacht party later, however, and the two men are stuck on a sinking boat and then there's that fin off in the distance...

For a Jaws rip-off, there's very little shark and not much plot. NBC rushed this out and it shows. Every bit of footage I've seen is incredibly washed out and blurry. Honestly you'd be better off watching a Barney Miller rerun instead.

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