Thursday, July 30, 2020

Shark Week: Deep Blood (1990)

Deep Blood (1990) dir. Raf Donato, Filmirage/Variety Film Production

Technically this was done more by exploitation master Joe D'Amato, but Mr. Donato is the credited one.

Four young lads are parading about on an isolated stretch of beach when an old Native man pops up from out of nowhere and declares them all warriors in the tradition of his people. This inspires the boys to take a blood oath and swear over a buried block of wood to reunite at that same spot in the future. The four boys grow up and go their separate ways, but ten years later they come back to the beach.

Ben (Keith Kelsch) has been the most successful; we know this because he constantly mentions business school and golf.

Miki (Frank Baroni) has turned into the 'troubled guy', what with his mom dying and wanting to murder his dad all the time.

John (John Brune) apparently did nothing worth of note, but boy does he love to swim! And not be eaten by sharks!

That's about for our characters. There's also the Sherriff (Tody Bernard) who seems to be a character from other film. When a boy's mother is eaten, he suggests getting the kid drunk, plus his re-election campaign boils down to 'I can't do anything else'.

So when John gets munched in front of Miki, the boys remember their oath and swear vengeance.

Utterly mad; the special effects are cheap but they make it up with overacting.

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