Friday, July 10, 2020

Color Out of Space (2020)

Color Out of Space (2020) dir. Richard Stanley, SpectreVision

Might be the last ride of the Summer of Love(craft) but why not go full Nicholas Cage while we're on the way out?

The Gardner family is starting over. Father Nathan (Cage) has moved his family out to the country as he had a dream of tomatoes and alpacas. Mother Theresa (Joely Richardson) is recovering from cancer and trying to restart her online business. The children, Lavinia (Madeleine Arthur) is going through a Wiccan phase while Benny (Brenden Mayer) and Jack (Julian Hillard) are trying to adjust to country living.

Things are going ok until one night when a meteor crash lands in their front yard. Ward Phillips (Elliot Knight) comes out the next day along with the Mayor (Q'orinka Kilcher) and Sherriff (Josh C. Waller). He's a hydrologist you see, and the lowly town of Arkham is gearing up for a giant dam that is going to put the little town on the map; and they don't want any freaky rocks from outer space putting a damper on that, dig?

Ward starts his tests and things are pretty bad. Water probably shouldn't glow, right? But the mayor and sheriff make it clear that dam is being built come hell or high water.

Jack starts becoming fixated on an old well that the meteor landed nearby. Specifically the 'man' that lives down and talk to him. Then there's the vegetables that grow massive but soon turn to dust, the alpacas start going insane and fusing together plus a damn hippy (Tommy Chong) starts living in the woods near the Gardner's farm.

Shockingly good; I know Mr. Cage has been a meme machine for the past few years but when he works he works. It's a perfect updating of the story without removing anything that works. Easily one of the best Lovecraft adaptions I've seen in a while.


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