Friday, October 6, 2023

Horror 2023 Countdown: The Wolfman (2010)

 The Wolfman (2010) dir. Joe Johnston, Universal Pictures/Relativity Media/Stuber Pictures 

Ending our look back at Universal so why not end it with a remake?


Actor Lawrence Talbot (Benicio del Toro) returns home to his family's country estate. The reunion isn't a pleasant one. His younger brother Ben was killed on the moors. His father, Sir John (Anthony Hopkins) is distant at best and honestly Lawrence is equally cold with the old man.

Ben's fiancé Gwen (Emily Blunt) wrote to Lawrence shortly after Ben's disappearance. The townsfolk blame the camping Romani and their dancing bear. Lawrence visits the camp that night but whatever tears its way through the people and bites Lawrence ain't no bear. 

Lawrence recovers, oddly fast too. Inspector Aberline (Hugo Weaving) arrives to investigate the murders. He figures Lawrence must have done them. Actors being a funny sort after all, plus his stays in a mental hospital cement his guilt. Sir John locks Lawrene in the family crypt. Lawrence then changes into a werewolf and rips quite a few people apart. This cinches it for Aberline and soon Lawrence is shipped off to Dr. Hoennegar (Antony Sher). 

The doc might be the forerunner for compassionate care in the 1890s but by the 21st Century standards sadism seems to be the order of the day, as well as being a bit dense. If your patient thinks he'll turn into an unstoppable killing machine during the full moon, maybe you should conduct your research in the daytime? Or at least with some better restraints?

Not bad as far remakes go. Hopkins chews the scenery wonderfully, the effects are decent (even if they did mess them up in the final cut) and it isn't a straight remake so yeah, decent.

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